ACT I- World Hopping

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It had been 3 months since the events from legend of everfree took place. It left Twilight curious about the human world, There were no books on it. It was only an urban legend to the general public. Despite Celestia, Luna, and her friends know about it. Are there more alternate universes? and how did they even get that portal? so many questions left unanswered. She tries not to let it disturb her though

twilight had fallen asleep on a stack of books, So unprofessional. But you can forgive her because it's twilight! the weather was a little chilly, so Spike left the window open only for the curtains to fly. but Twilight didn't like it. "spike...?' she said in an exhausted voice. spike turned his head quickly at twilight.

"c-can you shut that window! I'm freezing.." spike was a little disappointed but it was Twilight's request. "Okay!" he replied. He went and jumped on the counter to shut the window. Spike noticed that Twilight began to giggle slightly underneath her breath. "hehehehehehahaha.' and it was a little muffled. "What so funny twilight?" Spike said. "Do you remember when we slept in that library.?" twilight replied. "We have been to many libraries i don't know which one you're talking about..". Spike said"

"riggghttt..I'm talking about the one from the alternate dimension." twilight claimed. Spike then had a lightbulb light up in his head. "Ohhhhhh. That one. Yeah, I remember.." spike also had his memories of being a dog. He sometimes misses it. "being a dog was great. But. being a dragon is honestly way cooler." Spike said.

"I'm glad you feel that way spike!". Twilight paused in thought and looked at her pile of books. twirling her hoofs due to nerves. spike replied concerningly. "Is there something you want to tell me twilight?" Twilight finally spoke up. "I want to learn more about it. And something telling me to go back.." Twilight paused and raised her voice a little. "O-only for books! That's why I mentioned the library. They must have something about er... Humans? there." spike raised an eyebrow. "well twilight if you truly think u won't rest until you know more about this alternate dimension. I'll be there with you every step of the way!' Spike said while slightly flapping his wings. Twilight smiled at Spike and suddenly dropped her head back on the stack of books and began to snore. spike thought she needed to rest. as he would probably chat more about it tomorrow.

It's 7:04 AM and the bright sun is shining through Princess Twilight's window. And it's kinda making a rainbow because of the stained glass. There was a magical twinkly sound coming from under Twilight's pile of books she was sleeping on. It kinda startled Twilight, which was weird because it never usually does.

"huh..hello?" twilight mumbled, She was looking around and then felt it in her book pile. so she lifted the books with her magic to see the loud flashing book. It was the book Sunset Shimmer uses to communicate with her. "Ah, it's just sunset." She decided she needed to gather herself before opening the book. So she rubbed her eyes. And fixed her hair with her hooves. Yeah, that's enough for such a busy princess.

She opened the book to the middle and saw golden handwriting that said. "Hey Twilight, The weather was a little cold, So I went ice skating with the girls! I may need to improve a bit. let me know when u want me to visit. I have something to give you. P.S. Sunset." Twilight had a smile on her face to know her friends were having a lot of fun this winter. Despite her not being able to experience it. she lifted a pen with her magic and wrote it down in the book. "I'm happy you're having fun sunset! you can visit the portal by noon. But I'm not sure what time equivalent that would be for you. Yours truly. Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight closed the book and yawned, Suddenly spike walked into the room with sugary cereal in his hands and a blanket on his back. "The princess has awakened!" spike says sarcastically. Twilight replies "Spike,  sunset is gonna visit me later today! She told me she has something to give me.. and I guess that gives me an excuse to go." Spike had a confused look on his face. "Why would you need an excuse to go to the human world? You can go anytime remember?"

Twilight had an awkward look on her face. "I just don't wanna seem irresponsible." She responded. "Spike began to chug the milk from his bowl." Cmon twilight. You're a princess! If anything making your own decisions makes you independent!." spike asserted. Twilight giggled and had a smile on her face. She then looked at her hooves. 'I think I'm gonna pack my stuff. maybe a candle or two." twilight commented with a spark in her eye. she looked like she had something deep in mind.

The time is 2:10 and Twilight had decided to put some extra study books in her bag. She put it over her back and began to prance in place and squeal out of happiness. She was excited for some reason.  spike was filing his nails and turned to Twilight. "you sure are excited twilight. not out of the ordinary though." spike stated. "I can't wait for sunset to show up! all the things she'll tell me.." twilight said cheerfully. and then Spike looked at the clock on the wall. "uhm. you know. it's starting to be a little more.. afternoon. you said shell be here before n-"  The portal began to light up and distort. and both twilight's and spikes eyes widened. and then a pony silhouette could be seen coming out. But its colors began to show. It was sunset shimmer.

Sunset Shimmer came out on 2 hooves but then fell on 4 to readjust herself. then she looked straight at twilight. "Hey, there twilight! I'm a few minutes late.." Sunset shimmer muttered. Then twilight assured sunset. " No need to apologize, sunset." spike looked at the sunset and smiled. sunset smiled back. "You're gonna take spike again?" sunset commented. Twilight replied. "of course! when do I not" Twilight said that in a chuckle and then said.

"So.. Sunset. You wanted to bring me something?" Sunset's eyes widened and remembered what she was here for. "Oh yeah.. give me a second." sunset replied as she was digging in her brown bag. She then pulled out a crochet sweater in dark blues and purples. with a hint of gold. sunset held the sweater out to twilight and said. "Here you go! I hope you like it. I made it." Twilight was so impressed and her jaw was kinda dropped. she knew Sunset wasn't a crochet arts and crafts person. so how did she do this? without hesitation, she grabbed it and began to put it on. She looked up at sunset and gave her thanks. "Thank you so much sunset! the colors make me stand out..uh... I just have a few questions." she then looked at her hooves. and looked back at the sunset. "How.. did u make this in pony  proportions... and I had no idea you could crochet.." Twilight said. but Sunset giggled a bit and quickly replied. "Ah, I didn't make it in pony proportions. I made it like a normal sweater. it just converts depending on the universe we're in." spike added. "Yea, twilight. Just like your book bag!." "true. I didn't think about that.. that's one more thing I need to study." twilight said as she looked at the portal.

sunset scooted next to Twilight and said "Shall we go?" spike went in between both of them and smiled because he was super excited to be a dog again. "Yep! Ready when you are" Everyone looked at each other and happily jumped into the portal.

as the other side of the portal gets closer. the sounds of people talking and cars honking become more ear-splitting. Finally sunset, twilight, and spike make it through the other side. twilight still wobbly, lands on her 2 human feet while attempting to grab air for balance. As for sunset. it seemed like landing on the ground was effortless for her. twilight opens her eyes and feels a sense of relief. everything is familiar. and the same. as it should be. "Canterlot High.. Nice to see it again." twilight said as she looked at the sunset. Twilight wasn't sure if she was even welcome anymore. she felt as if she was an irresponsible school visitor. Since she doesn't go here. "It is right? It's morning right now. Not the same time as Equestria of course." Sunset replied. She then looked down at the twilight knit sweater she gave her. and said, "Twilight look! your sweater!"

Twilight looked down at her sleeves and looked down at her body and noticed her pony-proportioned cardigan was now human-proportioned. with the same colors. her eyes widened and smiled. "I don't know why I'm surprised. but it's just cool to see I guess!" sunset grinned and held Twilight's hand to take her to the cafe and said. "Let's get a milkshake! so I can tell you all about whats been happening." twilight happily agreed and allowed sunset to lead her.

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