Lovely Anxiety

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Nana hummed as she knelt in the shadows and watched the hallway leading to the incapacitated girls who crated the fireball that chased after Izuku.

Sweat rolled down her brow as Danger Sense gave a low but constant buzz in the back of her head, keeping her from charging ahead into whatever trap awaited.

"Ok, who am I dealing with this time?..." Nana muttered as she scanned the area with as many sensory type quirks as she could reliably handle, only to grunt in frustration as she saw nothing.

She couldn't wait forever though. The girls might be in bad shape or about to get back on their feet to ravenously hunt for Izuku with no concern for anyone in their way. She needed to at least get a good look at who they were and keep track of them.

And yet the buzzing in the back of her skull stayed her hand, as she tried to sniff out the trap.

"Come on, there can't be that many-"



Nana jerked her head to the side as Danger Sense flared louder, just before a small hole suddenly formed in the wall, right where her head had been.

"Oh shit..." Nana muttered as memories of watching Izuku obsessively analyzing heroes and quirks for hours came rushing to her and she realized who she was about to fight as she broke out in a cold sweat.


Meanwhile, Izuku was sweating bullets as he just stood there with a pregnant Toga, passed out in his arms.

"Ooooh, how am I going to explain this!? I couldn't just leave her like that but how will the others react to this!? And how will it effect the kids!? I need to help her deal with her trauma but she's also a wanted criminal! But she's notentirelytoblamebutthatcan'tjusteraseeverythingshedidsoshemightendupinprison- mutter, mutter, mutter, mutter, mutter..."

Izuku rambled on with increasing levels of panic and anxiety as he continue to just stand there and tap his foot progressively faster, in lieu of pacing with the pregnant, crazy girl still in his arms.

He was so absorbed in his own thoughts that Izuku didn't notice the weight in his arms shifting for a good thirty seconds.

It was then that Izuku's muttering halted with a gasped and he slowly turned his head to look at Toga, who was just staring blankly ahead of her. Her eyes devoid of her usual insanity or any emotion at all really. She just stared at nothing with an empty expression.

She then blinked and slowly lifted her hands to look at them, then touched her face as if re-familiarizing herself with it. Running her fingers over her fangs as she licked her lips in confusion at the familiar coppery taste she received.

Toga's eyes then shot wide with a gasp and she cupped her hands over her mouth to stifle a scream as tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

"Oh god, what have I done!? Why am I only feeling guilty now!? What is guilt!? What's happening to me!?" Toga screamed as her mind was overwhelmed by guilt, confusion and understanding all at once.

Izuku quickly hugged her head to his shoulder in as comforting a manner as he could while holding her in his arms and Toga instinctively latched onto him tightly.

It would appear Izuku did a better job then he gave himself credit for. Her brain damage was at least partially healed and now Toga had at least somewhat of an understanding of what she had done.

Unfortunately, she still didn't know how to handle being partially sane and her brain may not be completely healed yet, so she was now in turmoil as everything overwhelmed her. Her normal personality clashing with her old, innocent one.

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