Payback's A Bitch

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The room was silent as Izuku stared at Mitsuki in abstract horror.

It took a moment for her own words to register in Mitsuki's brain and her eyes shot wide as they did.

"Not literally! I just- gah! This is so fucked up!" she exclaimed as her brain worked to process the insanity of their current situation.

Izuku couldn't stop himself from sighing in relief as he practically deflated where he sat.

In spite of her current situation though, Mitsuki was very concerned when Izuku turned his gaze away from her and refused to even glance in her direction.

Mitsuki grit her teeth as she placed her hands on her belly and grappled with her own emotions.

"Damn it Midoriya! I'm terrified enough as it is with the prospect of messing up raising the ungodly number of kids you put in me the same way I screwed up with Katsuki! I don't need you breaking down on me too!" She fumed in emotional turmoil.

Mitsuki hated herself for yelling at Izuku and to a degree manipulating him like she was. But she wasn't lying about her current mental state and yelling was the only method she knew.

She also knew that Izuku suffered in stasis. The longer he sat and simmered in his guilt the worse he would get. She needed to get his mind engaged in some way. Get him active and working through the issue.

And what better way then to ask the self sacrificing, hero obsessed, idealistic, cinnamon role, for help.

And like she predicted, Izuku's hero complex overrode his self-loathing enough for him to stand up and help Mitsuki into a sitting position before plopping himself down next to her.

He still refused to look at her though.

An awkward silence stretched on between them as nether one knew what to do next. Both too afraid of themselves to do anything.

For Mitsuki, she didn't know how to properly comfort someone without yelling in some way, and she was painfully aware of where that could lead. As emphasized by a strong kick to her kidney as her eyes stayed fixed on the massive size and weight of her churning belly.

"Twenty" Izuku suddenly spoke up. His hollow voice finally breaking the silence as Mitsuki looked to him with confusion.

"You're pregnant with twenty" Izuku clarified, his voice still numb and hollow. He was trying to find the words to comfort her and answer whatever questions she might have. But all tact and intuition were lost on him at this moment, so all he could think to do was inform her what her condition was.

Something that unfortunately caused Mitsuki's panic to skyrocket to new hights.

Mitsuki took a few moments to hyperventilate before getting her nerves somewhat under control and taking a deep breath as she looked to Izuku.

Tears were still trailing down his face as he stared down numbly.

"Izuku... listen, it's-"

"Please don't" Izuku cut her off flatly. No emotion leaking through his voice at all. He had spent so long crying his guilt out that he felt empty.

"Please don't say it's not my fault" Izuku continued as he took a breath.

"Everyone's been saying it's not my fault all day. And while I logically can understand that they're right, it doesn't change how I feel and I can't even use that excuse this time..." Izuku spoke. His voice practically a whisper for how horsed he sounded.

"That quirk I used... the one that made me act that way... it doesn't change you in any way or add anything to your head... it forces you to see everything you keep hidden deep down, even from yourself, and makes you face them..." Izuku explained as he clenched his fists.

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