Hot Foot

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Izuku would have grimaced if he could, as he hopped down a hallway in bunny form while green tendrils of flame chased after him.

He initially wanted to berate himself for not asking Nagant who the others girls were before handing her off, but it was kinda hard to focus on so many things at once.

And it was painfully obvious to Izuku who he was dealing with this time. There weren't many women who could produce green fire that could also be semi-solid, who had access to UA.

Right now he was cursing himself for something else though.

And that would be Thirteen, who had mysteriously disappeared while he was running from Lady Nagant's attempts at maiming him. Which he found out when Snipe showed up to take Nagant off his hands, which had been an awkward encounter to say the least.

One he unfortunately didn't have time to dwell on, as Izuku drew as much attention to himself while The First moved around invisibly, freeing the unconscious hostages Izuku's current target had taken but was too mentally broken and sex crazed to remember to use them as leverage.

"Man, I can't believe I'm actually getting to do the hero part of the job for a change!" The First mentally cried with joy, accidentally broadcasting it to the others linked through Izuku.

Izuku was tempted to chide The First and tell him to focus on the task at hand, but the part of him that knew what that felt like, kept him silent.

Plus, The First had been living in the minds of six pro heroes and one aspiring hero for years. So he had more then enough experience from observation to work quickly and efficiently, while also fanboying at the same time.

Izuku gave a distressed squeak as he hopped through the tendrils of flame as they nearly caught him, forcing Izuku to turn into goo and seep through their grasp before reforming on the ground.

Izuku quickly hopped back to his feet in human form and jumped further down the hallway, dodging more flames.

"She's gotten better at controlling her quirk" Izuku mentality noted as his hair became multi-colored and lines formed all over his body, almost as if he were an android covered in panels made of skin.

One panel on the side of Izuku's head slid up and a visor with a green light, covered his right eye as he held his right arm out. Several panels on his arm then retracted, revealing six barrels that extended out and began rotating around his arm as he reached up with his free hand and yanked some of his light blue hair out, wading it into a ball before tossing it in his mouth and chewing it like bubblegum before swallowing.

The next moment, the rattle of a mini-gun filled the hallway and ice crystals formed wherever the shots hit, freezing some of the semi-solid flames in place, forcing them to brake apart.

Another pair of tendrils came up next to Izuku, attempting to surprise him.

Izuku simply lifted his free hand to them without looking and it folded down at the wrist, revealing two large barrels that extended out.


A shotgun spread of ice crystals formed on the tendrils and shattered, causing the remaining flames to dissipate.

Izuku breathed heavily as he stood there with his mini-gun still spinning and steam filling the air from the melting ice, before he collected himself and deactivated the quirk.

"How much longer?" Izuku mentality asked The First as he kept his eyes sharp for anymore attacks.

"Almost finished. Just one more to go" The First replied and Izuku licked his dry lips as he used Augmented Vision.

Izuku's vision was overwhelmed by the massive spike in temperature that was heading towards him though and he switched to Foresight and saw more tendrils of flame coming after him.

Izuku grit his teeth as he braced for the next wave. His muscles tensing as he crouched down, ready to jump.

"Done! I got the last one!" The first announced and Izuku relaxed as the next wave of flames was upon him.

Izuku then threw up his hands and the flames suddenly stopped.

Then they trembled and jerked around in the air as Izuku struggled to hold them in place.

Telekinesis had been one of the first Quirks Izuku had made, but he'd been hesitant to use it so far, on account of how difficult it was to use without braking whatever he grabbed with it.

That wouldn't be a problem here though.

Using his experience with some other, similar quirks, Izuku telekinetically took hold of the flames and yanked.

"Errr!" Izuku grunted as he kept pulling and pulling. Hoping the girl on the other end was still too mentally broke to come to her senses and cut off the flames. He wasn't confident in his control enough to risk grabbing the girl herself with telekinesis.

Fortune was on Izuku's side this time though, as he soon heard yelling and then saw a woman flying through the air. Yanked by her flameing hair right to him.

Izuku cut off the quirk and opened his arms to catch the woman at the last second. He failed to anticipate how fast she was moving though and Izuku was knocked off his feet as he caught the woman.

Both of them grunted as they rolled down the hallway but Izuku held the women in an iron grip as they went.

Eventually they came to a halt as Izuku's back hit a wall. He quickly shook off the shock though as he looked at the woman with green flames for hair and he quickly rolled so she was on her back and he was pinning her down.


Another woman who wouldn't normal be at UA.

And another one that was currently staring at him with bloodshot and crazy eyes as her flaming hair began to move and grow.

Before she could do anything else though, Izuku planted a kiss on her lips that caused her to freeze up before moaning into the lip-lock.

Meanwhile Izuku's face was burning red with embarrassment that he was about to have sex in the middle of a hallway in his high school.

He'd already done it practically everywhere else. Why not check one more off Mineta's list.


Q/L -

—————- Setsuna - 4 (3 quirks)

"User can move and manipulate objects with their mind. Can cause migraines and nosebleeds if overused"

—————-Lady Nagant - 4


"An upgrade of Nagant's quirk. Armory allows the user to extend various firearms and small cannons from different locations on their body. Mt. Lady's quirk was used as a base help compress and fit the various weapons into the user's body and Momo's quirk was used as a base for the user's hair, which is multi-colored, with each color pertaining to that patch's unique chemical composition, which can be mixed to form ammo with different effects. The hair can be ingested to feed basic ammunition to all weapons but it can also be shaped by hand and loaded into each weapon by individually for more specialized needs. Overuse can cause the weapons to misfire, leading to injuries"

3 - ?

A/N - Hay, sorry for the wait and short chapter. A lot of stuff's been happening IRL.

I was so tempted to make Setsuna's kids the Wonder Twins. But she was the best one to match with Telekinesis so early on that I also hadn't already decided all the quirks for yet.

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