Our first time

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Taylor's POV
My phone rings..... it's Blake
Taylor- Hi Blake what's up.
Blake- can you look after Betty and Inez tomorrow while I work?
Taylor-What time?
Blake- 12pm-7:30pm Ryan can pick them up at 6:30 though.
Taylor- no worries, but I'll need Ryan to pick them up at 6:30, I have a date...
Blake— um, please tell me more.
Taylor-it's a date with Travis
Blake- NFL guy
Taylor- Yep, I am falling for him
Blake- Have you done it yet?
Taylor- nope, but I have another date with him tonight. I'll see you tomorrow Blake and I hang up as I hear a knock at the door.

Crap it's Travis, I'm not even ready. This is going to be our 5th date, and we still haven't done it yet. We have slept in the same bed kissed made out, touched each other but he hasn't been inside of me. I think it's me who has the issue after splitting up with Joe I have just had no interest.

I open the door and there he is Mr Perfect. Hi I say, hi he says. He embraces me with a smile a hug and a kiss. He is looking at me differently, he grabs my hand and we sit down and starts kissing me. "Hi Beautiful, I've missed you" he says in between kisses. I go to say hi, but we keep kissing. Then I say "wait". He stops but still strokes me with his arm. "What's wrong?" "Are we doing this now?" "Yep, we are he says, is that ok?" "Just keep kissing me" I say. He grabs me by my waste and explores my mouth. "can I kiss your neck and back?" "Yes" I moan, he is sucking my neck and I start unbuttoning my top for him. He is slowing moving down my neck as I unbuttoned my shirt. Before I know it he is exploring me past my neck.... "Are you ok baby" he keeps saying. Then before you know we have both reached a point in our relationship where we connect like we have never connected before. We are both so in sync and it was meaningful and beautiful and amazing.

Travis's POV
Taylor is perfect. I watch her close her eyes snuggled up next to me. I stroke her hair softly whilst I hold her waist. She then opens her eyes and looks over to smiling. "Hi there" she says. "How are you" she says and then kisses me. I reply "nice to meet you darling" she smiles as I kiss her forehead. I could tell she thinks I'm perfect too. "Very nice to meet you too babe" says Taylor. We then kiss and the exact same thing happens again. It's meaningful, beautiful and amazing at the same time.

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