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"So Fourth.. I don't know where should I start because I'm very nervous. At first please know that i know that it is kinda early for me to say these but I don't wanna keep it inside me."



"No, no, please let me do it. Whatever your answer is.. please."

Fourth looked at him with excitement. He didn't know what Gemini was gonna say. He started to watch him with his puppy eyes as Gemini started talking.

"Fourth. I like you. Yes that is right. I've been falling for you for the last few months. I knew you were my patient's owner. I tried to hold myself, but I couldn't just being by your side made my heart flutter. if you are gonna say no, please let me know. Maybe in that way, I can let go of my feelings for you. But Fourth, even though you say no, I don't think I can let go of my feelings now you made me so attached to you. And even though it may sound stupid, but I think that you also have some things for me, like sparks, sympathy.. Please let me show my love for you. Can you be my boyfriend, for munmuang?"

Fourth felt the tears leave his eyes when he realized that it wasn't a dream. Gemini really confessed to him now. He has been longing for this day for months. Then Fourth was crying Gemini started to panic. He thought that Fourth was probably gonna reject him. But Fourth nodded and smiled warmly.

Gemini knew what his answer was gonna be.

"Yes, Gem.. I'll be your boyfriend for munmuang.."

Gemini smiled and he pulled Fourth for a big hug. It was kinda uncomfortable to hug in a car but they didn't care. When they let go of the hug, Gemini leaned in for a kiss.

Fourth placed his hand to Gemini cheek, and his other hand hugged Gemini's neck. Gemini's hands grabbed Fourth's waist and they started to kiss.

It felt magical. Fourth felt like he was gonna cry. This was so much for him to realize he felt overwhelmed by the feeling that he lied to Gemini just to get him. Now he got what he wanted. But he wasn't feeling well.

Before Fourth could adjust himself to his seat, Gemini's tongue slipped inside his mouth and they shared a hot kiss.

When they let go of each other, they both smiled and Gemini placed a kiss on Fourth's forehead.

"I love you Fourth. But.. i want you to be honest with me."

Fourth caressed Gemini's cheek and they pressed their foreheads against each other's before Gemini continued his sentence.

Fourth suddenly froze down. He looked at Gemini like he didn't understand what he meant.

"What do you mean Gem?"

"Fourth. Be honest with me. You know i hate liars. I'll tell you everything and you will tell me everything too."

"Gemini, what do you want me to say?"


"Okay, i'll be honest.."

For the first time.

Gemini nodded and he started to speak before Fourth to reassure him that nothing was going to happen.

"Fourth. When I was in high school, i was being used to do someone's homework and assignments. Everyone, was acting so cute with me, they made me believe that they loved me and then, all i could see was a few paper sheets in my desk. People made me hate myself but i never gave up on my dreams. Now, after all those years I met you. I thought you wouldn't be like them. I thought you would be honest with me. When i came to your place, i realized that your cats and dogs were clearly stray dogs and cats. You were talking like you only had Munmuang. But i tried to keep it myself and i made myself believe that you will confess yourself."

Fourth started to cry and he wanted to apologize.

"I'm so sorry-"

"Don't apologize for nonsense Fourth. Just fucking say it! We are not leaving this car until you confess everything you did."

Fourth got scared of him and he tried to calm himself down.

Gemini regretted his decision to confront Fourth like this, he wanted to hug and kiss him, tell him to not cry or be sad. These lies were nothing for him compared to his love. But he needed to.


"The second time I came to your clinic, it wasn't because Munmuang was sick. It was actually to talk to you and have a chat.. Then when you told me you love animals, i decided to get some just to impress you. And it worked.. Gem.. i was overjoyed when you invited me over.. I really thought you started to love me.. Then, my ex, Zane.. he calls me black belt Fourth, because in high school i acted like i knew karate to impress him."

"Is this all?"

Fourth gulped and his sobs started to get louder. He was thinking about so many scenarios that could happen right now.

Gemini slowly leaned down to his bag's pocket, and grabbed a cigarette. He left the car like that.

Fourth cried inside the car, feeling totally devastated and helpless. Gemini was gonna leave him, he thought.

Gemini light up his cigarette and smoke it while his anger was doing everything instead of his heart. He loves Fourth but he hates lies. What was he gonna do, he had no idea.



I'm back but I still have nails.. it's hard for me to type. Sorry for not updating. Love you all💗

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