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"Now tell me little ones, how was your day at school?"

Gemini picked Kongthap and Tinn from school and now he was driving them both home. He was also coming back from work and he was very tired. He wanted to go home and hug his husband to sleep.



Said the twins at the same time. They both looked shy but also happy.

"Sooo.. when we entered our class, we saw that there were also twins!"

Said little Tinn. Gemini smiled in ecstasy to show his little boys how excited he was to hear their story.

"What was their names, did you guys become friends?"

"Their names were, Gun and Atom! They were so friendly with us!"

"That's good guys, how about, you invite them one them for a play date together?"

Said Gemini because he understood something from Tinn's gaze. Of course they were still too little to fall inlove, and probably they both were affected from having 2 dads. But Gemini thought, this was nothing serious at all.

They were kids, they were learning things slowly and they should experience first love.

Tinn's face lit up as he heard his daddy mention play date.

"Yes, yes! I want to have a play date with Atom!!!"

Kongthap was screaming in ecstasy because he was too happy. The twins felt the connection from the other two, and it was really magical.

"I will contact their parents and call them as soon as i can, okay buddies? Now, how about we get a cake to eat with your friends?"

"Daddy, why don't we get ingredients and bake ourselves instead? That would be more special, right?"

Gemini smiled at his smart and thoughtful boy and nodded before changing their way to their favorite super market.

F x G

husband 🤍
our sons fell inlove

my fotfot 🤍
no way
they did

husband 🤍
they met new guys in their class
and they're also twins
i think their names were gun and atom
do you think we can contact their parents and ask them for a sleepover with our little babies?

my fotfot 🤍
of course honey
i will ask the teacher about the number
and i'll talk to their mom

husband 🤍
thank you honey
now i'm taking them to a supermarket
they said they wanna bake a cake for our son-in-laws

my fotfot 🤍
it's gonna be a mess
but i'm happy
our sons fell inlove 😭

husband 🤍
our sons..❤️
our family

my fotfot 🤍
let me make lunch for you guys
you must be hungry

husband 🤍
okay baby
mwaah i love you 🫰🏻

my fotfot 🤍
i love you too husband 🥹

After a few hours, Fourth talked to twins' parents and they agreed for the play date. Their mom also assumed that Gun and Atom didn't stop talking about Kongthap and Tinn.

for munmuang | geminifourthWhere stories live. Discover now