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Fourth cried inside the car, feeling totally devastated and helpless. Gemini was gonna leave him, he thought.

Gemini light up his cigarette and smoke it while his anger was doing everything instead of his heart. He loves Fourth but he hates lies. What was he gonna do, he had no idea.


After finishing his cigarette, Gemini came back to the car. Fourth looked at him and tried to hold his hand. But Gemini brushed it off and said nothing.

He just started to drive away from Fourth's house. He didn't know what to do or say. After a while, they stopped at a place that looked like a beach. But it was actually full with rocks and it made a pretty view.

Gemini stopped his car right there and left the car. Fourth did the same with him and they changed seats to the back ones for comfort.

Then, they started to watch the moonlight. Whenever Fourth tried to glaze at Gemini, he would see Gemini's little and hesitant looks.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

Said Gemini with a warming tone. But it still felt cold to both of them. It was like they weren't even in the world. It was an another universe for them.

"You're prettier than the moon. You're my brightest star. The only star that i'm holding on to."

Gemini turned his head to Fourth and they locked their eyes together for a long time. Fourth's eyes were shinier than usual, they didn't even shine this bright when he was looking at the moon.

Gemini, so suddenly, leaned in to Fourth's chest and placed his head there. Fourth caressed Gemini's head and he felt some action on his chest.

It was Gemini. He was sobbing. He was sobbing so hard that he couldn't even breathe. Fourth didn't know how to comfort his loved one. He slowly tapped his shoulders and kissed his head.

"I thought you werent like anyone else. I thought you were the right one for me. How could you lie to me, Fourth? Our relationship is fake, you know that? It all started with a lie."

"No, no, I'm not like anyone else. I'm not gonna lie to you again. I promise Gem. You know i love you, please don't make me live without you.. I know i'm not the best boyfriend but I will never hurt you again.."

"Don't lie! Don't fucking lie! You lied to me, and made me love you! How can I let you go now?"

Fourth slowly wiped the tear in his eyes and he grabbed Gemini by his cheeks. He made eye contact with him and tried to assure him. Not with words but eyes.

Gemini needed to see the look in his eyes, he wasn't lying, eyes never lie.

Fourth fell for him, and he also fell for Fourth. He couldn't deny his feelings.

"I'll change Gem, i promise will.. Only for you, I'll be the best version of me. Only for you my love, please don't throw our beautiful love away.."

Fourth's words hit Gemini's chest like a bullet. He looked at Fourth and Fourth was crying too.

Gemini hugged Fourth's neck and Fourth's hands grabbed his waist. Gemini leaned in to kiss Fourth, but Fourth didn't give him the chance before slowly placing their lips together.

for munmuang | geminifourthWhere stories live. Discover now