Chapter One

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Chapter One

The bright ray of light woke me from my peaceful sleep, I groaned before shifting on my side to grab my phone. I squinted as the little bright screen flashed on, 11:37am. I dropped my phone onto the mass of ruffled green sheets below me before lifting my arms above my head with a tiny moan as I felt my muscles tighten.

Thank god it was the summer holidays, though my heart pounded a little bit thinking that it would soon be over in a matter of a few weeks. The second year of sixth form was creeping closer and closer, I really don’t understand why I had decided to put myself through yet another year of education.  I hated school with a passion; I really didn’t see the point in learning half the stuff with did seeing as we wouldn’t use half of it anyways.

“Shawna Nicole Wilkins will you get your arse out of bed!” My mom screamed up the stairs. I let out another groan before pulling the covers away from my petite body then sliding out of my messy bed. I made sure that my feet landed heavily on my cream carpet making the floor boards shudder so she knew I was up.

My small feet sank into my plush cream carpet as I padded over to my wardrobe. Flinging the doors open my eyes fell onto a mountain of clothes that I hadn’t bother to put away, but instead just shoved them to the bottom to stop my mom moaning. She moaned about all the clothes being on the floor so I transferred them to the wardrobe out of her way. All i had to do now was make sure that she didn’t come in here.

Running my hand though the pile, I randomly pulled out some light faded high waist jean shorts and my red t-shirt with the word ‘GEEK’ written in white bold letters. Happy with my choice, I grabbed some underwear and made my way across the hall to the bathroom.     

After doing what I had to do, I was now dressed for the hot summers day, everyone had been making the most of the sun. It was unusually for England to be so hot, even when there was the tiniest bit of sun you would see people running to the stores to grab food for barbeques, or they would try and wear or should I say not ware as much clothing as possible.

 Apparently though it had been on the news that this heat wave was happening all over the world, even places like the Antarctic were pretty warm. Of course they blamed it on global warming; they can’t even let us enjoy some warm weather before using the guilt trip on us.

I headed back into my room messily putting my blonde locks in a pony tail before grabbing some socks and my phone before running down the stairs. I did usually wear make-up but in this head no one really cares, plus I wasn’t one of these girls who couldn’t leave the house without something on my face. I had always been complemented on my bright blue eyes so I didn’t see the point in my added something to them that didn’t need to be done. 

The bright light coming from the wallpaper hit my eyes, my mom liked bright colours. Well she loved the sun so she tried to make the house as light as possible so every single room was covered in a light cream wallpaper and either cream carpet or light wooden flooring.

“No running down the stairs” My dad growled, I looked up at him meeting his angry gaze.

“Sorry” I muffled before plonking myself down next to him on the two seated brown leather sofa.

“How many times have I told you? You never listen, soon enough you’re going to hurt yourself” He replied casually

“Yeah I know” My tone sounded bored which I was, I have this lecture nearly every day.

“Well don’t come running to me crying when you bust your legs” he warned before flicking over to another channel on the telly. 

“How would I be able to some running to you if I have busted my legs?” I smirked back letting a playful grin spread across my face.

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