Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

"Shawna, come here!" My mom angelic voice rang from the garden. I could hear her laughing as I approached the back door; the sun was blazing down onto the bright green grass as I watched my mom run around while my dad was close behind with the hosepipe.

"What are you doing?" I said smiling, it was very rare that they would be laughing together, or even in same room as one another.

"Well your mother though it would be funny to hose me down while she was watering the flowers so I'm just getting payback" My dad smirked before advancing after my mom who was now hiding behind our small oak tree which to be honest didn't hide her at all.

"Shawna don't just stand there! HELP ME!" My mom screeched as a few sprays of water bounced off her back. I ran over to my mom to try and somehow protect her from my armed dad with the hose.

But on my way across the now wet and slimy grass, my left food skidded. My arms flailed back and forth trying to regain some balance but failed miserably, my right foot slipped backwards making my left foot fly into the end causing me to hit my head off one of my mom's concrete flower pots.

A sharp scream flew out of my mouth catching the attention of my parents who immediately froze. Everything felt like it was in slow motion; I could hear my dad's heavy footsteps approach me as the metal top of the pipe hit down the soggy grass.

My dad's hands flew out as if trying to catch me but it was too late, a sheering pain hit the back of my skull before travelling to my forehead, I clasped my hands tightly around my head as to stop the pain. My dad was right in front of me, I felt his strong large hands on my shoulders shaking me, calling my name but I couldn't stop it. The darkness filled my line of sight cutting of the view of my worried parents.

"Shawna wake up! Wake up god dammit!" A familiar voice snarled as they shook my shoulder vigorously waking me up from my dream.

My eyes shot open, and the darkness cleared. Right in front of me piercing blue eyes stared back at me causing a sharp scream to erupt my body.

A strong hand clamped over my mouth muffling my screams. "Sh! Shut up Shawna" Cole hissed. I stopped my screams and I drew my hand over my heart to try and stop my hammering heart. When he was sure that I wouldn't scream again he withdrew with hand.

"We need to get going. It's cloudy but light, we'll have a better chance at getting to somewhere safe" Cole announced before removing himself from the bed and walking over to our bags. "Get out of bed then, we have to go"

With that I scrabbled out of the double bed and quickly into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. I quickly took care of my overflowing bladder before moving to the sink. The mirror was dirty but I could still make out the dark circles under my eyes, my pale skin and my blonde hair that was no longer soft and smooth laying on my shoulders but all knotted at the ends. I use my fingers to brush out the knots before everything comes back to me.


The news report, to the chilling screams, the sun disappearing and my mother's bloody body lying limply on the floor and my father's goodbye.

My father's goodbye.

They're gone really gone, both of them. I couldn't even begin or want to imagine what was happening right now back at home. I now had no idea if my dad was dead or alive and I don't think I'll ever know.

I take a sharp breath as my thoughts go back to last night. What was that creature? It looked human but at the same time it didn't, the yellow eyes still haunt me and the razor sharp teeth. A shiver travels up my spine as I remember its hand on mine, the rough skin colliding with my own soft one. I didn't know what it was but I really hope I do not come into contact with it again, ever.

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