Chapter Four

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Chapter 4.

I still had no idea where we were going and I don’t even think Cole did either. It felt like we had been driving forever but in reality it was only been about 2 hours. We drove in silence, I was still worked up about what happened this morning and I knew it was my own fault.

I knew we were nowhere near my hometown anymore; we were more in the countryside. Fields and fields passed but not a single person in sight, it was weird. I felt like me and Cole were the only ones left but I knew that couldn’t be the case.

We had tried the radio several times but there was no signal, couldn’t pick up anything. So we just had to sit in silence, one of us wanting to make conversation.

After seeing another farm house go past I was becoming more and more bored plus I was curious to where we were going. My mouth open but closed again, I didn’t know what to say to him. I didn’t know if he was still mad at me for this morning. Wait hold up, when did I care what Cole felt about me? Ugh my head is so messed up.

Once again I found my mouth opening but shutting, why couldn’t I just ask him where we are going?! I let out a frustrated sigh which made a chuckle leave Cole’s mouth.

“Just ask me already?” He spoke with a hint of amusement.

“How do you know what I’m going to ask?” I question, turning to face him.

“Because you’re so predictable”

“I am not!” I whined childishly.

“Stop whinging like a baby and ask me the damn question” Cole sighed, but I just huffed turning away from him. I don’t know why I was acting like this, I was acting like a brat and that didn’t sit well with me at all.  I turned my body back to face him before sighing.

“Where are we going?” I asked lightly

“Well, I want fill the tank up then find somewhere safe to stay. I want to get us away from the cities but always away from the small towns” I notice a large white sigh with ‘Welcome to Birmingham’ written in bold letters.

“Okay, but then why are you headed straight towards Birmingham?” I questioned, I thought he wanted to get away from the cities not drive straight into one. 

“We still have to get a few things; I need to see if we can get any food and medicines.”

“But won’t there be more of those things out there? What if-

“Don’t worry; we are going to be fine. We won’t even have to be there long just a quick passing through” Cole spoke strongly, though I’m not sure if he was trying to convince me or himself.

As we drove down the motorway there was some random cars pulled over with the doors open, looked like everyone ran from their cars, but that didn’t make any sense. Why would you get out of your car to run when it’s obviously faster in a car? There weren’t many cars though just some here and there.

I do believe that Cole was wondering the same thing as his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. There wasn’t anybody about though, just these cars and a few bags that had been dropped. The car started to slow down as Cole pulled to the side of the road behind a small red deserted car.

“What are you doing?” I asked in all confusion. Why are we stopping when anything could be out here?

“I’m just going to check the cars” He replied cutting off the engine before opening his door and climbing. His door slammed shut but before I could follow his actions the locks shut on the door.

“Hey! Let me out!” I screamed banging the passenger window, but this only caused Cole to sharply turn round and glare at me which instantly made me shut up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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