The Slowpoke Trial

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Kaito rushed straight out of the dojo hall. Judging by where some of the other students were running, he guessed the Slowpoke had fled to the nearby marshlands, and headed directly there.

When he reached the wetlands, it was easy to spot all three Slowpoke. However, two were currently occupied. One was fighting Klara, as she yelled at it in frustration, whilst the other was evading a number of other students further into the marsh.

One of the closest Slowpoke was running around freely, so the red-head decided to take to defeating it himself.

Kaito darted towards the speedy Slowpoke headfirst, not even considering a pokemon battle.

"Alright you speedy fucker, come here and make this nice and easy!" He taunted, catching its attention.

The Slowpoke turned to face him, smirking at him mockingly. As he pounced towards it, the pink creature dodged out of the way last second, causing him to crash into a pond of muddy water.

"Shoulda seen that one coming..." He sighed, standing up and grasing a pokeball.

The Slowpoke stopped its wild running and looked at him with a grin.

"You best hope I don't catch a cold!" Kaito exclaimed. "Hanzo, shadow ball stat!"

His Gengar emerged from its pokeball, swiftly barraging the coy Slowpoke with an envoy of shadow balls. Luckily, one managed to hit, and K.O. the pokemon easily.

They may have been fast, but one shadow ball does the job.

Gengar approached its trainer with a piece of Klara's uniform in its grasp, and presented it to him.

"Thanks Hanzo." He accepted the Jacket, and gave the Ghost pokemon a headpat. "Now there's just two more to go..."

"Gengar!" Hanzo gestured behind him. Towards where Klara had been fighting.

He turned back towards the scene of Klara and the other trainers. Whilst the trainers facing the single Slowpoke had been defeated by its evasive maneuvers; Klara and her Scolipede had defeated their opponent. As she stood before the unconscious Slowpoke yelling at it.

"Guess I meant just one left..." He corrected. Dashing towards the final Slowpoke with his Gengar.

The students facing this specific Slowpoke had given up attempting to defeat it already. It was just exceptionally fast, and countered most of their pokemon.

The red-head and his purple ghost darted past the collection of downtrodden students, and launched another pokeball towards the Slowpoke.

"Kushida, keep it still with a leech seed!" Kaito ordered.

From the thrown ball, his Whimsicott emerged, letting out a cry and scattering seeds all across the area.

Unfortunately enough for the Slowpoke, it entangled itself within a bundle of said seeds, which tripped up its momentum.

"Right on! Hanzo, shadow ball once more!"

"Gengar!" Hanzo exclaimed, knocking out the final Slowpoke with its supereffective move.

Kaito pumped his fists together, successfully completing the first trial of the Master Dojo.

The floating grass type, along with the poison ghost came back to their trainer, both holding out pieces of Klara's uniform for him to take.

He accepted both Klara's Tee, and Shorts as he praised his pokemon with a headpat each. They both retired into their pokeballs, as he walked to return to the dojo. Putting away all the clothes into his bag.

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