The Eighth Gym

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Another short few hours passed by, as Kaito lazily crawled out of bed. He was wearing just a causal outfit for the night, some comfortable shorts that were easy to wear, and a fitting white top.

He left his room, and knocked rhythmically on his neighbour's door.

After a minute or two, Klara opened the door, giving the crimson haired male a confused look.

"What do you want?" Klara inquired. She too was wearing a casual outfit of her own, which Kaito couldn't help but acknowledge her cuteness.

"Master wanted to meet the two of us in his room downstairs. Must be something to do with the last trial, c'mon."

Klara nodded tiredly, following him downstairs after she closed her door.

Upon entering Mustard's room, he paused the television show he was watching, and stood to greet his students.

"There you are Kaito, Klara! Thanks for coming!"

"Soooo... what's this all about Master?" Klara asked. "What did you want to tell us?"

"Right!" Mustard nodded enthusiastically. "Well, I've decided that you two, will take the Master Dojo's Final, Last, Ultimate, Third Trial!!"

Both of them stared at him blankly. Not only were they groggy and tired, unable to share his enthusiasm. But they also kind of gathered that this would be about the final trial.

"Boo don't be such sticks in the mud." Mustarr groaned. "You two are the only ones who successfully finished the second trial. You've pushed eachother to greater heights and helped eachother grow!"

Kaito and Klara gave eachother a side eye glance, slightly blushing and looking back at Mustard.

"So I'd say it's time to finally see who is stronger, in a Dynamax pokemon battle!"

Klara gasped, fumbling her words slightly as her nervousness grew.

"W-Wait, we're going to battle? That's the last trial? B-But... I'm not ready!"

"That's quite alright actually young Klara, because we won't be holding this battle for another two weeks. I figured we would give the two of you time to train."

Klara let out a relieved sigh, and Kaito himself let out an obnoxiously loud yawn - earning an elbow jab in his side from Klara.

"You fuckin-"

"Pay attention you two, flirt later." Coughed Mustard. "The rules are simple. Whoever wins will complete the trial, and the winner will be granted the Secret Armor of the Master Dojo!"

"This is it... finally..." Sighed Klara. She gave Kaito another subtle glance, as he was holding his side in pain. "But can I...?"

"The battle will be held in the Battle Court behind the Master Dojo, which is a Power Spot, so you can Dynamax to your heart's content."

"My pure heart can't take this..." Klara mumbled. "I need to begin training right away!"

She turned to run away, but paused and let out an obnoxious yawn that matched Kaito's own.

"... maybe in the morning."

"You can laze about like a Slowpoke and take as much time as you need!" Mustard laughed.

"Oh yeah Master by the way, I need some time off next week for my match with Raihan." Kaito added.

"Well you aren't restricted to the island my boy, so you don't need to ask me twice. But very well then, just make sure you're as prepared as you need for your fight with Klara too."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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