Chapter 1: Sundown

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For everyone who prefers hearing the story there is an audiobook version at the bottom of the chapter.


It happened one night, in one of the dark abandoned alleys of Tokyo.

The moonlight cast long shadows on the ground where the distant lights of the city couldn't reach. The wind carried droplets of rain and mist from the coast.

It happened one night in a dark alley. A hunched-over figure stumbled through the streets, the dark clothes wrapped tightly around the slim body and hands searching in the dark for any kind of support.

"Ya don't look so good over there."
A voice echoed from ahead.

The figure stopped but didn't look at the other person entering the alley.

"Hey, are ya okay?"

A blueish light illuminated the darkness and exposed the features of a young man leaning against the cold stone wall.

"I'm surprised to see such a handsome fella in such a miserable state out here at night," the stranger continued as he approached. He grinned and waved at the other his phone, which appeared to be the source of the blue light, in hand.

The man groaned and tried turning around but he was too exhausted to do so.

"Come on. Ya don't have ta stay out here. I live in an apartment close by and–"

"Get lost!" The slumped figure interrupted him.

"Now, now I was just offering to help. Ya look like ta could need it," the other added nonchalantly as he came close the dark-cloaked man could see his features more clearly. He had a defined jaw and blonde hair. A grin spread on his face that only added to his irritation. "No need to be so grumpy."

An animalistic sound echoed through the alley as his head snapped up and he finally met the golden eyes of the stranger. The blonde looked at him with vigilance, rating in the piercing gaze from crimson eyes that seemed to stare straight into his soul. His skin was as milky white as moonlight, which created a stark contrast to his hair, black like the darkest ink.

Even with bags under his eyes and the murderous look he gave the blonde, he was still stunningly beautiful.

It left the stranger speechless for a second and he could see something like hope flickering in the red eyes.

The hope didn't last long though.

Instead of running away screaming, as the vampire had hoped he would a cocky smirk spread on the stranger's face.
"Oh my, are you trying to scare me away?" he asked teasingly. "That's not very nice. What did I do to deserve such treatment?"

If Sakusa had been in better condition and less confused about this whole situation he would have rolled his eyes at the over-dramatic tone and feigned hurt in the other's voice.

"But seriously," the blonde spoke up again. ", come with me. There is no use in staying out here. The sun will rise soon and it is much more comfortable in my apartment. Much less rain too."

"That's what a murderer would say to lure in victims," the dark-cloaked figure growled. He had trouble speaking, but since glaring daggers at the stranger wasn't enough to get him to leave...

The sound of laughter filled the silence. The blonde laughed and it sounded so carefree and genuinely amused that Sakusa couldn't help but think that it sounded... beautiful.

"Ya are funny," he said after he composed himself again. "I doubt that I would stand a chance against you."
He sighed.
"Now, come on. We don't have the whole night and I'm sure you'd like to get out of this dirty alley."

Nightfall - SakuAtsu | Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now