Chapter 2: When Dusk Arrives

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For everyone who prefers hearing the story there is an audiobook version at the bottom of the chapter.


Sakusa did stay longer. He hated to admit it but Atsumu was right: he had no place to go.

Not that that usually stopped him, but he was intrigued by the blonde, which he also would never admit. Something about his friendly smile and confident, at times almost arrogant, behaviour caught the vampire's attention.

The raven caught himself smiling even laughing in these past days like he hadn't done for a long time. 
For Atsumu each smile was like a personal victory.

To Sakusa's surprise, the other put a lot of thought into how he could make the vampire feel welcome.
He picked up on his germaphobia pretty quickly and tried his best to keep the apartment clean in response.

"I still don't get it," Sakusa spoke up as he watched the other clean the counter before and after preparing his food. "Why do you put so much effort into this?"
He was genuinely curious.

Atsumu groaned.
"Omi," it sounded exasperated. "I already told you, because I want to."

"That's not an answer."

Atsumu raised an eyebrow at him as he moved to sit down on the other end of the couch, separating them by a meter at least. He sighed.
"Well, I guess when I first met ya, ya looked just about as shitty as I felt. So I helped."

Sakusa furrowed his brows.

"That way," the blonde continued more quietly. "at least one of us felt better, though having you here... I don't know.
"I really enjoy your company Omi-omi."
He smiled softly.

The raven huffed and part of him wanted to ask what made the other feel so bad. Yet it felt like he would intrude on something that was far off-limits to him. Something very private. Atsumu already did so much for him, let him closer than he should, it didn't feel right to interrogate him like that.

"But you know what I am. Back then and even now."
It wasn't a question, just a statement. The vampire was like 98% sure that he did.

"Hmmm," Atsumu hummed in agreement and nodded slightly as though he was somewhere else in thought entirely.

And even though that was what Sakusa had expected the confirmation shocked him regardless.
It essentially confirmed his suspicion that the man was either very stupid or had a secret death wish.

Yet the blonde sat completely relaxed next to a literal demon and even did everything to make said demon feel welcome and comfortable.

"If you did all this in the hopes that I would turn you, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm still very much new to this lifestyle myself. In other words, I can't help you with that."
His tone was harsher than at first intended but just the thought someone who had no reason other than a wish for power and immortality would actively search for this made him sick. He lived in his personal ever since being forced into this life if Atsumu asked him that he didn't know how it would taint his image of the other. At least it would be an action that made somewhat sense for once, even if it was still terribly naïve and selfish.

However, the blonde surprised him yet again when he started laughing.
"M-me? A vampire?
"No thanks," he said determinedly. "Who in hell would want to live in this world longer than necessary? No offense."

Said vampire didn't take offense to his statement but he stared at him incredulously.
"Then why?" he barked out irritated by his own confusion.

"Why what Omi-kun?"

Nightfall - SakuAtsu | Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now