Chapter 3: When Dawn Breaks

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Chapter includes...
... implied sexual content (I might make a more explicit bonus part later if requested).
... Biting.
... Blood and injury.

For everyone who prefers hearing the story there is an audiobook version at the bottom of the chapter.


The cold breeze of a mild autumn night filled the room, carrying a variety of different scents and sounds with it.
It was something Sakusa used to appreciate but now it went shivers down his spine and he was quick to close the window again.

It didn't help much and a few minutes later he found himself rummaging through Atsumu's closet. He reached for the oversized hoodie he had seen him wear a few days ago and prayed the other wouldn't mind if he borrowed it.

He would have asked him but Atsumu was working the night as a barkeeper at a local restaurant at the moment.

He took a lot of these mini-jobs as Sakusa learned over time, filling in for people when companies got desperate enough to turn to someone inexperienced or helping out on particularly busy days.

The blonde hadn't been lying when he told him that he didn't have much to his name.

The vampire sighed. His heart fluttered whenever he thought about the other but ever since their argument, the images were tainted with a mixture of pain and guilt.

Sakusa knew that he made a mistake and that he needed to apologize but he didn't know how.

Whenever he tried the words got stuck in his throat.
His growing thrust didn't help the situation either and was just another problem without a solution on top of that.

The most obvious way to resolve both of his problems would, of course, be to just accept Atsumu's offer if the other was still willing that is.

However, Kiyoomi didn't know if he would be able to control himself if he did. This wasn't just about his aversion to getting so close to someone anymore.
When he told Atsumu that he was new to this life he meant it. He had never drunk human blood before and didn't know how his body would react to it.

Simply the thought of it made him nauseous and painfully hungry at the same time. Salvia gathered in his mouth laced with venom.

It was a curse.

This whole thing, his transformation into a vampire, was the worst thing that had ever happened to him.
And yet a small part of his sorrow had vanished in these past days, as he couldn't help but think that he would have never met Atsumu if it wasn't for the vampire that turned him.

He would never feel something other than wrath and hatred for that man, nothing but disdain and nothing would change that.
And even though he ought to hate everything that followed after the pain in his veins had finally subsided, Kiyoomi found that the despair he felt just a few weeks ago had faded.

The endeavour of surviving suddenly seemed much more pleasant and doable.

That was if he could restrain himself from ruining it. Either by his words or... actions.

He shuttered, shivering even more even just thinking about the possibility.


He hated him.

Sakusa hated Atsumu.
He hated him because he liked him.

It was a paradox though playing on repeat in his head.

Hours had passed since their departure and the vampire found himself hoping the other wouldn't return equally as much as he awaited his arrival.

His state had worsened within mere minutes somewhere between dusk and midnight.
If the deterioration of his health had previously been a slow lingering process, it was now a storm racing toward a sudden end, a tidal wave waiting to break as burst onto the shore.

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