The Sword part 1

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"All squadrons, report to the training area immediately for evaluation." A woman over PA states. A young woman called Catra walks through the hallowed halls of the Fright Zone. Alone. That's how she mainly is in the mornings. She enters the training area, only to find it deserted. 'They must have not started yet.' She thinks to herself. Catra jumps up to a metal tree and waits for the rest of the group, who she's supposed to be training with, to enter the training area and begin the simulation.

A group of three people and a lizard boy enters the training area, tapping the button on the side of their goggles to begin the simulation. A Horde bot appears in one of the trees, "Watch out!" A tall, young woman with her blonde hair tied into her signature ponytail exclaims. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" A short, blonde boy exclaims, the training area is filled with the shouting of the recruits going through the simulation. The Horde bot fires as the recruits dash into the arena. The blonde woman, whose name is Adora, hurls an explosive and says, "Come on, this way!" The recruits run and Catra watches from above. She growls as she narrows her eyes.

The blonde boy is hit. His teammates return to him. His suit is sizzling and an X appears on the plate. "Aw, dang it!" He screams. "Seriously, Kyle?" Adora asks
"Bra-vo." A girl called Lonnie sarcastically says. Kyle frowns. Three Horde bots hover over them. "Seriously, Kyle?!" Lonnie exclaims. "Run!" Adora exclaims.

The recruits hold shields over their heads as the Horde bots fire. Adora sprints ahead, "Adora!" Lonnie exclaims. An alarm begins beeping as red hexagons glow under Adora's feet and a robotic orb shoots up from the floor. The orb morphs into a four legged robot. Adora runs at the robot with a saber. She pulls herself onto the robot's head and bashes its guns with the weapon. Adora smashes the robot and it sinks into the floor. She leaps off and flops onto the floor face-down. Catra strides past her and pushes the crackling robot into the floor. Adora raises her head and Catra points at the red symbol beneath her. Adora falls in. "Hey, Adora. How's it hanging?" Catra asks.
"Catra. Did you really show up late and let us do all of the hard parts? That is low, even for you." Adora states
"Aw. You know nothing's too low for me." Catra laughs, "Now come on, you look stupid hanging down there." Catra lends Adora a hand and pulls her out. "Training exercise successfully complete." The woman over PA states.

In the locker room, Catra laughs, "You should have seen your face. You were like, 'Aah, no! Betrayal!'" Adora closes her locker door and scoffs, "Come on, Catra. We're senior cadets now. I can't believe you're still pulling such childish, immature- - is that a mouse?!" Catra leaps up excitedly, "What!? Where!?" Adora begins laughing at her. "Are you ever going to not fall for that?" Adora asks
"I don't know. Are you ever going to let it go? That was one time." Catra states
"I know, but for some reason it's always funny." Adora says as Catra leans on a locker.

"Adora." A mysterious woman says, coming out of the shadows. "Shadow Weaver." Adora salutes. "You have done well. You've completed your training course in record time." Shadow Weaver says "Uh, well, that wasn't just me. You know, Catra did, too." Adora states. "Ah, yes. How someone as unmotivated as you completed the course in that time, I'll never know." Shadow Weaver says, unimpressed. "Always serving up those pep talks, huh, Shadow Weaver?" Catra says. "Silence. Do not be flippant with me, cadet." Shadow Weaver exclaims darkly.
"Sorry Shadow Weaver." Catra apologies sarcastically. "Adora, walk with me." Shadow Weaver says. Adora follows Shadow Weaver out of the locker room, leaving Catra by herself.
Meanwhile, a white castle is perched on a mountain beside a blue lake. "Send her in."
Flight by guards, a young woman called Glimmer enters a royal hall and approaches a woman sitting on a throne. She kneels. "Your Majesty." She says.
"I'm told you disobeyed orders and led the rebellion into a dangerous combat situation after you were ordered to retreat." The woman states. "I was trying to protect a village from falling into the Horde's grasp." Glimmer explains. "You were reckless and put yourself and the other rebels in danger." The woman retaliates "Fighting is supposed to be dangerous! How are we going to hold our own against the Horde if we keep retreating? Pretty soon, we won't have anything left to defend." Glimmer states.
"I'm growing tired of your back-talking, Commander Glimmer." The woman says
"Why did you even make me a commander if you won't let me fight?" Glimmer asks "That's enough! You're grounded!" The woman exclaims. Glimmer scoffs, "Mom!"
"You heard me!"
"You never let me do anything!"
"We are not having this discussion tonight. You are embarrassing me in front of my royal court."
"Oh, I'm embarrassing you?"
"Go to your room!" Glimmer's mom yells, angered. "I'm going!" Glimmer yells and angrily storms out.
She didn't really like it, when Shadow Weaver would take Adora to another area of the Fright Zone to praise her. But, that's how it's always been. Adora as the favourite, Catra as a thorn in Shadow Weaver's side. Catra sighed, and left the locker room to get some air. She looked over the Fright Zone from the balcony area that she sat upon, thinking as to what it would be like if things were different, if things were the way she wanted them to be.

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