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Many people think you have it easy right?
Perfect mom. Popularity. Even beauty.

My names Maellan. it stands for 'little lighting' but my mom likes to call me her lighting bug.

I'm 14 years old. Am I the 'perfect' kid? No. I would definitely not say that.

sure perfect grades and popularity all the personality traits a 'perfect'  kid would have but then there's some other stuff. Some stuff that's maybe not so perfect.

Flashback to second grade

My Math teacher sped through the hallway stoping at a window to look up then ran up all flights of stairs as fast as he could.

Then when he got to the roof he burst through the door to see a blonde curly hair boy standing at the edge next to a brown haired girl.

The girl is me.
Back in second grade.
The boy standing next to me is my old friend Percy.
Why were we up there? We saw something. At least.. we could have sworn we saw something.

The teacher led the two children inside as a Pegasus walked to the edge of the building spreading its wings.

When you say you saw something like that you end up in this dudes office with your old best friend. Good news though, he's saying you have nothing to worry about. It's all in our imagination,but if it happened again, you have to make sure to tell someone.
                        ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

But we both saw it again.

The blonde and brunette duo sat at a desk drawing when the blonde taps the girl on the shoulder to make her look out the window

It happened again.
These impossible things felt like they walked right out the fairytale stories you read back then. But it felt so real one minute, and the next..

The elephant like robot turned into a garbage truck.
Two boys in there year passed by there table making rude remarks making the brunette stood up and threw  her marker at them as they ran away.

Something changed over the years.
I met Nancy.

The now older brunette walked past the blonde's table as he sat with his new friend.

The girl had nothing against his new found friend so she just walked past them like she didn't even see them. But Nancy couldn't.

She walked by the table hitting the blonde's friend over the head with her bag making her friends burst out into a laughing fit and the brunette let out a small laugh that didn't go unnoticed by the blonde boy, and he goes to stand up but his friend pulls him back down making the blonde glare at the girls as they walk by.

                             ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

I still see some of the stuff today. But I don't have Percy anymore to talk to him about it. And Nancy would never believe me. I tryed telling her one time and tryed showing her but she just looked at me like I was crazy.

Do I wish I had someone to talk about to with? ofcoures.

But I'm happy with my life right now and nothing would change it, until something did actually changed it. Someone or something I should say tryed to come after me. But not only me.

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