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Third person::

Meallan kept going in and out of consciousness all night each time her eyes opened for a split second there was somebody new standing by her bed. Sometimes nobody was standing there.

She had wondered if she was going crazy. But she would look over at each time to see Percy passed out looking almost deathly.

Once when she opened her eyes she saw a figure standing over Percy but she only saw and orange shirt from the lighting flashing outside lighting up the room. It looked to be a girl. Meallan couldn't confirm because once again darkness toke over.


Waking up my head pounding, opening my eyes hurt more the sun burins my eyes making me turn away from the window.

I reach up and touch my forehead intensely regretting as pain shouts through my head. I groan and turn to where I saw Percy lay last night to see the bed empty.

I push the warm embrace of the blanket off me standing up slipping on my shoes and walking out but not before grabbing my chain off the table and putting it on around my neck.

It looked as if I was on a lake, walking down the rocky sand into a path leading into the woods hoping to find something to explain this. Or at least find Percy.

Wow. Never thought I'd say that again.

                          ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

The path lead to an opening in the forest with cabins. 12. 12 cabins they all have symbols on the top. Greek god and goddesses symbols.

I walk around looking closely at each cabin, the doors are open in all of them and kids inside turn to look at me. Every cabin. Every kid looks.

I don't pay attention as I'm looking into another cabin and accidentally run into someone "watch it!" The person hissed at me I look over to see a girl with curly hair and light skinned.

She walking with a younger girl who couldn't be older than 10 "my bad." I mumbled I look to the younger girl and her face lights up as she looks up at me. "You're one of the new campers!" The young girl exclaimed with a huge smile on her face and jumps up and down grabbing onto the light skinned girl.

A slime broke the light skinned's cold face "hey your the one who killed the minotaur." She stuck her hand out for me to shake and I shook her hand slowly look her dead in the eye. "I guess."

"Here we'll show u around" the little girl ran up to me and immediately grabbed my arm "hi! I'm Aly and that's my sister Clarisse! How was it in the real world? Was it fun! Was it scary?" She started to skip as we walked "oh! Have you ever heard of candy?! Chiron's said I can't have candy. Says it'd give me too much energy.. But I don't think it would! Does it give you-"

"Aly!" Clarisse whipped her body around "relax. Don't over do it now." You could tell Clarisse wanted to blow up but she kept her calm.

"Sorry..." Aly looked to the ground as we walked "it's okay sometimes I over do it too." I smiled down at her as she turned and looked up at me with a wide smile.

"So has Luke given you the tour? Or Chiron's" Clarisse turned back to me and Aly and walked slower so we were all side by side "who's Luke? Chiron?" I looked to my left to look at Clarisse with an eyebrow raised.

Clarisse chuckled a bit "I'll take that as a no." Clarisse explained how each child can either be unclaimed or claimed by there mother or father. She's the daughter of Ares and Aly is the daughter of Apollo and how they have the same mom but different fathers. Honestly they felt more like family than friends.

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