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Creaking the door open a little Meallan slides through the creak in the door slipping off her shoes "I'm home!" No yelling. Silence.

Mel's heart picked up "mom? Cora?" She yelled out she walked into the room then back out. "Coco come on! Where are you!" Meallan walked back into the living room to check for any signs of her mom or sister.

Tears prickled in her eyes as her heart raced walking into the kitchen felt... like a fever dream. Like a hundred tiny needles poked at her.

"Coco!" Meallan dropped to her keens pain shooting through her legs "come on coco wake up!" Mel shouted and shook her five year old sister hoping to wake her "NoNoNo! Mom! Help!" Mel placed a hand over the young pale girl "someone please!" Her shouts echoed through the building Mel pulled her hand away as blood covered it making her shout louder.

Nobody came. Why would they? There was always yelling from this apartment. Why would now be different?

"Hey! Mel!" I shot up hitting heads with who ever called my name "ow! Man..." I hear Clarisse groan

"I am so Sorry! Are you okay" she gives me a tight smile and a thumbs up in response and rubs her forehead before speaking.

"Love you in my cabin girl but.. are you ok cause you've been screaming in your sleep." She sits down on the edge of my bed "and who's coco.. if you don't mind me asking!"

"She's nobody." I pull the covers off myself and grab my clothes for the day "so it's a girl? Was she your friend? Cousin? Sister?" Clarisse follows me around well questioning me as I look for clothes "you're starting to sound like Aly...." I push open the changing room door as I spoke and stepped in and turn to Clarisse whose mouth hung open in shock.

I change into black jean shorts with a light brown off the shoulder sweater and was slightly cropped and slip on my converse. Looking in the mirror I grab a brush and brush through my hair and style it in two French braids and adding my lighting bolt necklaces and take one last look in the mirror and head out.

I walk out the cabin with a smile on my face when I see Aly sitting on the steps waiting for me.

      ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

"Melly?" I look down to Aly as we walk hand in hand to the dining area "who's Coco...?" I stop dead in my tracks.

"We're gonna be late for breakfast Aly." I drop her hand a speed up and when the dinning hall comes into view I quickly look around for Annabeth or Clarisse.

Apart of me wanted to look for Percy.

I need Percy.

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆

I burst through the Herms cabin and see the femalier golden hair peaking out the top of a blanket and walk up to it quickly and rip the blanket off.

"What the fu-" Percy sits up a little before I wrap my arms around him and for the first time since being here I just broke down crying.

We fall to the ground as Percy holds me in his arms well I start wailing not caring who hears I just needed this.

Percy cups the back of my head and rubs it as he whispers words in my ears to calm me down as he gently rocks us back and forth "she's gone! A-And I couldn't save her! It's my fault! I'm her older sister I was supposed to protect her!"

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