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Me and Annabeth walked to the same cabin on the water front that I woke up in.

"So um.. who's your mom" she turns to look at me "or dad!" I quickly added trying not too a fend her.

"Athena." She opened the door to the cabin or I guess infirmary.

My eyes went wide and my mouth hung open "wait as in THE ATHENA" I look at Annabeth with amazement "she's one of my favourite Goddess!" She laughs as a huge smile breaks out on my face.

Annabeth signaled for me to sit down "so if your don't mind can I call you like Anna or An or Beth.. I mean or I'll just call you Annabeth what ever-" I cut myself off realizing I started to rant.

"You can call me anything you want" she grabs some stuff to clean my forehead "I mean we are friends now right?"

"Yeah! Of course!" Anna walks towards me and takes off my old bandage she starts to clean my cut on my forehead "when did you get claimed?" Before I could realize what I said it just flew out my mouth.

A looks at me with a surprised look but quickly recovered "I was claimed at birth.. I would say that you could be an Athena kid but they all get claimed at birth." Her lips formed a flat line "tell me about you. How is life outside of camp or at least for you how is it."

"Um.. well it was just me and my mom really.." I hesitated for a moment "we lived in a small apartment and Percy. The blonde curly hair.. lived across from us and I guess that's really it.."

I know I can trust Anna but I didn't wanna FULLY open up. At least not just yet.

"Well... now you have us.. your camp family!" Anna smiled as she fished clean the cut

"Thank you.. it means a lot you don't know how much I needed to hear that." I stand up and say my good byes and head to the Area cabin.

So I can't be an Athena kid.. kinda disappointing but hey there's more gods and what chance do I have of being a goddesses child I have a mom....

Correction. I had a mom.

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Walking down the stone path t0 the cabin hearing the rocks move as I drag my feet along and crickets were heard in the deep forest, looking around at the trees that stood tall a light caught my eye drawing me closer to it and the closer I got, the blonde curls that I remember all too well came into view.


The blonde whipped his head to look back the curls moving so perfect. How. If I did that I'd look like a rat that's dying of a stroke.

"I swear god has favourite." I grumble as I sit next to the blonde "or I should say 'gods'"

"What?" Percy turns his head slightly to make eye contact "nothing..."

Percy rolls his eyes and looks back into the flames that came out of a can "are you seriously doing that god thing or whatever."

Percy pushed his lips into a thin line trying to choose his next word wisely "no... for my mom."

"Wow..." I crossed my arms over my self and just sat there. I feel bad not saying something but what do I say? 'Shittt my bad.' Or 'well my mom is gone too don't be sad!' You see what I'm trying to prove? Yeah you get.

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