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Song for the Chapter: Even When You're Running, by Casting Crowns



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"Did you do anything to offend him?" Clarice demanded with a hint of suspicion in her tone

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"Did you do anything to offend him?" Clarice demanded with a hint of suspicion in her tone. "He has asked that I should be the only one to serve his meals—again."

That took Violet by surprise, but thinking of it, it was not so surprising. For she had seen the demons, though driven afar, screech into his ears not to allow her near him.

"No, I just delivered it as you instructed."

Clarice frowned, drawing her eyebrows together in concentration.

"Never mind, he has always wanted nothing to do with anyone else except for work reasons," she then dropped her tone a notch. "Sometimes, he even refuses to be close to his own family."

All this new information made Violet wonder if THE LORD could really touch someone as distant as him. For, HE had opened her eyes to see several scars on his heart when she had entered the room—doubtless from the demons that had been present.

The scars had looked too deep, and his soul too shattered.

Yet, when she had prayed that night, she had heard her LORD whisper into her ears, "Pray for him."

Violet had been partly glad when she learnt she did not have to serve him anymore. Yet, she had an inkling her SAVIOUR had other plans in mind.

She knew not.

"Aren't you going to be late for school?" Clarice brought her back to reality. "Away with you now, go and get ready. The driver will be looking for you soon."

Violet smiled. Being her third day in the Villa, she had quickly realised that under the mask of sternness, Clarice had a warm heart and a kind spirit—just as her mother's had been.

No, Violet. Don't go down that road as well.


Violet was still trying to grasp the ropes of her new routine

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Violet was still trying to grasp the ropes of her new routine. She had visited the library, hoping to get as many books as possible to catch up with the rest of her peers.

So engrossed was she in hauling her books across the main hall, that she did not realise someone had gone up behind her. That is, till she heard a venom-laced voice whisper into her ears.

"What are you doing near my locker?" It was Alessandro.

He did not give her a chance to reply before he added, "Don't try to act close to me or let anyone know we are somehow connected. Got it?"

And with that, he shoved her out of his way with his shoulder resulting in her stack of books falling to the ground.

Violet had not noticed she was close to the lockers of the Royals—and for that matter his locker—as she had walked through the luxuriant hallway.

And, without giving her a chance to explain herself, he walked away... the ever-present entourage closely behind him.

She bent down to pick up her books hoping they were still in perfect shape when a figure she had not noticed standing nearby bent to help her gather them.

Where have my instincts run off to? I keep losing my focus and forgetting those around me.

"Don't give him any thought," a male voice calmly said to her.

She looked up and was met with warm brown eyes, filled with a Light she recognised and resonated with her spirit.


"So, it's concluded then

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"So, it's concluded then. I know it is too much to ask of you, but please, do us this favour."

Then, with a bow to the head, the Principal left Vincenzo's office situated on the school grounds.

Vincenzo had always looked up to the man. He had stepped in for him during trying times when he had also been a student at Oro trying to balance his studies with being a King Maker after his father's demise.

But, that was before he brought up the most preposterous request in his thinking—to tutor Violet.

She needed help catching up with her studies, he had said.

Why does she keep popping up everywhere I go?

She was everything his spirit told him to run away from.

Mulling it over, he absentmindedly spun his pen between his fingers. Gradually, a sinister plan formed in his mind, causing a slow smirk to lift at the corner of his lips.

He owed it to Tal to take on and care for this overly bright relative of his. But, what better way is there to be rid of her... than to get her to leave herself?


Hi lovelies!

How are we all doing? So sorry for the short chapter today.

Have you noticed a change in the character playing Vincenzo? I will substitute them as much as is necessary. Kindly feel free to picture him as you would.

What do you think of the new character too? Below is a picture of him. 👇🏼

And, please, please, let me know what you think of this chapter and the book as a whole

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And, please, please, let me know what you think of this chapter and the book as a whole.

Warmest Hugs,

Phela 🤗

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