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~Dear Diary, ~

~I guess since that Mckayla "ripped me a new one" Andrew suddenly has this idea that he can talk to me like I'm fucking stupid.~

~I don't even know what he wants from me anyway, I mean, he's acting like a pompous dickhead who can't shut his mouth. At one point, he told me that I should keep my mouth shut. I guess he heard I blabbed about his other girlfriends~ 

~P. S: Andrew needs to get a clue before someone else crams it into his brain! I mean, I would do it, but I'm way too busy with my life for that. Ugh. ~

-Rosetta H. 


"Ugh..." I thought as I walked down the street again, what happened yesterday really ticked me off, not to mention ruined my night, I put my hands in my pockets and sighed again. 

I have no idea why I'm so upset anyway, I mean, it's her fault for not believing me and it's like I had any proof that Andrew was cheating anyway, but anytime I saw those pictures of Mckayla being happy with Andrew, all I could think was "Hold on to that smile as long as you can." 

I kept walking down the street, kicking rocks out of my way when I passed by a cute, small cafe with see-through windows, the people inside were relaxing as the workers were making drinks and food, I shrugged and walked inside, not to eat anything, but I thought it could be nice to sit down for a bit, nothing big. 

When I got inside, I sat down at this small table and relax, listening to the nice, calming music and walking some of the workers pass me by, a lot of them were super cute, the guy that really caught my eye was this guy with curly hair, tan skin and a bunch of tattoos over his neck!

He walked past my table and smiled at me, and my heart started beating 500 miles per minutes, I'm sure I could have died, but hey, at least my death was caused by a tattooed hot guy! 

Since I kind of didn't mind staying in here for a moment longer, I ordered a breakfast sandwich with a lemonade and waited for a bit, as I scrolled on my phone for a bit, I heard someone tapping on my table. 

I smiled, thinking it was possibly the cute worker guy with the tattoo, only for it to be a boring, basic star fade, average-looking, Andrew Thompson. My smile fell quickly, it seems like no matter what I do, he always seems to be there when I don't want him. 

"Hey Rose." He smiled, I stared at him for a few moments and felt an eyeroll coming on, luckily, I resisted. "Do you need something?" 

"Yeah, can I sit here? I kind of wanted to talk about something."  Andrew smirked, before I could even say "No thanks, dude." He sat down next to me, like the dickhead he was. 

"So, what do you want?" I asked, "You wanted to talk, so talk." 

"Alright." Andrew crossed his arms. "I know you ratted me out to Mckayla. She told me the whole thing, and I'm here to tell you, you should back off." 

 I sighed, "Maybe I wouldn't have told her anything if a certain someone didn't diss me at the mall on Sunday, which resulted in her confronting me." 

Andrew rolled his eyes, "And here she goes, talking like the victim. Hey, have you ever heard of a joke? Because if you did know one, you would know that's what I was doing." 

"Well guess what, your joke fell flat, just like your shoe game." I shot back, Andrew gasped dramatically and scoffed. "Excuse you, my shoe game is flawless, unlike that bird head of yours."

I gripped my hands against the table and glared at Andrew, there was so much that Andrew could say to me in a lifetime that I could pass by, ignore, or just hide and feel crappy inside. But now? I was just sick of it. 

"You know what? I'm tired of this. I'm tired of you and every word you say." I started, "You're always like this, you know? First off, we had the same hair type, it may not be the same, but it's pretty damn close. So, there's that. I don't know why you feel the need to insert yourself into my life all the time, why do you want to do that? You have your "perfect" girlfriend, Mckayla that you're cheating on." 

"I told you-" 

"I'm not finished. You act like a god; like you're untouchable and that everyone worships you and the ground you walk on, well guess what? I'm not doing that, not anymore, You're a jerk and a lying cheater. I hate you; Andrew Thompson and I wish I'd never met you."  I sneered.

I blinked for a brief moment and looked around me, some people were just watching me for a second, the waiter put down my food and drink and backed away slowly before working on some other order, I took a deep breath and ate my sandwich, Andrew gave me a dirty look and mouthed the words "Fuck you" before storming out of the cafe. 

It was quiet for a bit before everyone else went back to doing whatever they were doing, I heard some girl whispering to someone else saying "That was pretty cool." She glanced over at me and smiled, I smiled back, I ate my food and just embraced the fun jazz music, wiping off any gac that gotten on my lips. 

As I got up and clean where I was, I walked back, watching the sun set nicely. I was just thinking about what Mcka No doubt that Andrew's gonna play the victim and cry to Mckayla again, I would say I'm shocked, but that's like thinking the sky's blue, no shit. 

I felt good when I stood up to him, after all of that bullshit and hurt he put him through, it was nice to throw it back at his face, even if it was just once. 

It's not such a bad summer after all. 

(Author: Oh yay! Take that Andrew, get owned! Let's go!)

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