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~Dear Diary, ~ 

~As I though, Mckayla's mad at me again for "hurting Andrew's feelings" and all that crap, in my defense, if he never said shit about my hair, it wouldn't have ended with me calling him out. and saying all that stuff. ~

~Mckayla, Tracey and Chase tried to get into a fight with me, but luckily, Fontana was there to help me out! But honestly? I'm tired of Mckayla trying to hurt and scare me just because she can! I'd already been stepped over by that she-devil once, it's time for her to eat her own pitchfork! ~

~Tomorrow, I'm gonna settle this! ~

-Rosetta H. 


It seems like another day goes by, I'm either out at the mall, the park or just walking around the neighborhood. As I sat down in the food booth once again with Casiah, Faith and Connie, I finally felt really comfortable in my skin. 

As we were all talking, Casiah started to pull out a liquid lipstick from her bag! "Check out what I got!" 

"Woah! Where did you get it?" I asked, Casiah smiled and put the lipstick back in her bag, "Oh, I just got my mom to order me some for my YouTube channel. When my followers see my new set, they'll freak!" 

"You have a YouTube channel? Really?"

Casiah nodded her head and pulled out her phone, she tapped around for a moment and scrolled down, after a few moments, she placed her phone in front of my face to see her account. 

When I saw her account, all I could think was "OH. MY. GOD." The banner was purple and had white flowers all over it, the videos showed Casiah at various points putting on different parts of makeup. 

"Wow, that's really cool, Casiah." I smiled, "How many subscribers do you have?" 

"Uh, don't worry about that, it's not that big of a deal..." Casiah chuckled nervously as she glanced some other way, Connie sighed and turned to me and whispered, "She has around 56 subscribers." 

"Oh." I said, Casiah sighed and shook her head as Fontana drank her smoothie and typed on her phone which made Casiah raise an eyebrow at this "Who you texting?" 

"No one..." Fontana lowered her phone and flashed an innocent smile, Casiah's eyebrows fall flat and her lips frown, "Gurl, you ain't slick. Who's the hot guy this time?" 

Fontana groaned dramatically and sighed, "FINE! It's this cute guy on my basketball team, happy now?" 

"I thought you had a whole vendetta against dating anyone on your team?" Casiah raised an eyebrow, Fontana shrugged and smiled, "Yeah, I did. But uh, he's actually pretty nice, so we're gonna give it a shot." 

"That's good." I smiled, "I hope things go well with you and him."

Fontana smiled and nodded her head and drank her smoothie, as I ate my food, I listen to everyone's conversation, chiming in from time to time, I never realized how much I like being with Casiah, Fontana and Connie. 

Watching everyone laugh, talk and smile was so good to see after years of scoffs, silent treatment and frowns. It was just nice to see everyone act like a person for once, it was good to see.  When our food finally came, I bit straight into my burger and groaned happily, it was so juicy and sweet and tasty, it was difficult to resist. But as I bit into it for more, a splash of ketchup got on the rim of my jean skirt, I went to grab a napkin from the table, only for Fontana to take the last one. 

The Prep's Diary: How the Prep became so PreppyWhere stories live. Discover now