They will find me!

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Ben gowns in pain as his eyes shoots open in a panic. He looks around the room trying to remember what happened and how he got here. As he looks around the room its so dark he can't tell whether it is night or day. Ben tyrs to move but he starts swinging in place. He looks up to see metal chains hanging down from the ceiling cuffing his hands together.

In the darkness Ben squints his eyes as he see's a figure approach him

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In the darkness Ben squints his eyes as he see's a figure approach him.

Helena- "Look who's finally awake!"

Ben- "What do you want Helena!?"

In a sarcastic tone, Helena- "OH look who knows who I am! I feel so honoured. I want you to know what real pain feels like, because you see when Ren gave my description to the police I felt so betrayed. she has to learn a lesson not to mess with me!"

Helena walks over to a large brown box in the corner of the room. The box has an old rustic look to it. There's a somewhat new looking padlock on the box, Helena grans the key out of her pockets and unlocks the box. She pulls out some sort of metal rod.

Mocking her, Ben- "What are you going to do pock me?"

She starts laughing, Helena- "OH you wish I was just going to pock you! This is a cow taser. Its made for a cow 3 times your size Imagen how much this is going to hurt.... Oh wait you don't have to imagen!"

Helena turns on the taser, she violently stabs Ben in the stomach. Ben Yells in pain. Helena returns to the box, she pulls out a metal bat. She slowly makes her way back to Ben. She just looks at him for a moment before hitting him with the bat like he is a pinata, 3 times to his stomach and once to his face. Ben's mouth fills with blood and his noes starts dripping with blood. Helena drops the bat and grabs a step stool, she places it on the floor in front of Ben. She climes onto the stool so she is now eye level with Ben.

Helena- "Do you have anything funning to say now?"

Ben tilts his head up to meat Helena's eyes. Ben spits his blood into Helena's face leading her to jolt back onto the floor.

Ben- "They will find me!"

Helena- "Good! That's the plan, your just the trap. I'll let Ren find you in 1 week. That gives me a whole week to torture you! I want Ren to see you at your lowest at the moment your begging for death, She will watch me kill you because you asked for it!"

Ben- "Screw you!"

Helena- "How rude maybe I should use the cow taser to teach you some manners, Since Ren clearly has not tort you any. Oh well atlest you have a week left to learn how to treat your better!"

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