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Henry- "REN! REN WAKE UP!"

I wake up to the worse pounding feeling in my head, this is probably what it feels like to have a headache. I look down to see my legs are chained the the wall so are my arms. The chains are lightly glowing green, there made from magic.

"What the hell happened?"

Thomas- "Your new best friend thought we could use a nap!"

Helena- "Ben look at this your friends came to save you how sweet. I must give you some credit Ren I thought it would take you a lot longer to find him!."

"Ben! Are you ok!? What has she done to you!?"

Ben- "Don't worry I'll be fine!"

Helena- "This isn't a mother meeting Ren is going to watch me torture him!"

Helena starts giggling with joy. This lady is bad shit crazy, she worse then Glory and Glory destroyed a whole planet! Helena turns on a taser, she violently stabs Ben in the stomach. Ben Yells in pain.


Helena hits Ben over and over again with the taser till he passes out. The more she hurts him the more I scream and the happier she gets. She shakes Ben awake.

Helena- "I think it's time we up the pain don't you think?"

Helena pulls out a knife. She traces Bens arms up and down till there all coved in shallow cuts. I try to break free from the chains, Hitting them with fire and ice and everything and anything I can think of to get free to help Ben.

Helena- "I'm bored now, my new toy is broken. I think I'm going to kill you and start on my next new toy. I'm going to go with the little boy!"

Helena walks away from Ben with the knife in her hands. I pull the chains as hard as I can and one of then breaks free from the wall. I use both of my hands to pull down the next chain. My legs are the only thing chained down now. I pull the chain attached to my left leg as hard as I can, the chain pops out of the wall leading me to full flat on my back on the ground. I ignore the pain I turn my head to see Helena extending her arm backwards with the knife in her hands she throws her arm forwards letting go of the knife. I pull the last chain freeing myself from the wall. With out any hesitation I run towards Ben as fast as I can I let out a red ball of fire throwing it in Helena's direction. The fire hits Helena in the chest, she goes flying across the room hitting the wall before sliding to the ground. All the chains on everyone fade away. I managed to get in front of Ben in time to stop the knife from hitting him. I'm facing away from everyone when Ben runs up behind me. I look down to see blood gushing out of my heart I pull the knife out of me. I collapse to the Ground in Ben's arms. Everyone rushes over to us to see all the blood, my blood surrounding us.

With tears in his eyes and fear in his voice, Ben- "Ren look at me Love, Your going to be ok! Klaus is here he can Help you!"

I place my hands on the cuts on Ben's arms"Aleitai!" The cuts stop bleeding, I use the last of my power to heal him. I look up to Ben his eyes are full of tears, I lightly place my head on his face. I feel my breathing getting weaker and weaker. With a single tear in my eye I look him in the eyes.

"I love you!"

One more breath escapes me before everything turns white.

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