Ben and Ren

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We get off of the jet. There is a trail of pink roes pestle outside of the door.

I turn to Ge-Ge- "What is going on?"

Ge-Ge shrugs- "I have no idea let's find out!"

We follow the roes pestle into the living room. The room is decorated with pink and purple fairy lights and glittery streams everywhere. At the end of the living room by the window Ben is standing there in a black suit holding a bouquet of red and pink rose's. I walk over to Ben so confused.

Ben- "Ren. who is this?"

"This is my little brother Al-door.

Al-door- "I'm 12 minutes younger! Hi Ben I'm Thena's twin brother Al-door. It's nice to meet you."

I turn back to Ben- "What is going on Ben?"

Ben looks at me with a smile on his face- " Ren! Thena! Queen of Parra-Val. There is something that we can not do till we are 23 but I can't wait any longer to ask you. I all most lost you once and that made me see just how much I truly do love you and that I never want to live with out you."

Ben gets down on one knee and pulls out a small black box. He opens it to revel a silver ring with a green gem on it.

Ben- "Queen Thena / Ren will you make me the happiest man alive and do me the homer. Will you marry me?"

I start crying happy tears- "YES! Of course I will!"

Ben slide the ring on my finger.

He lifts me up and spins me around in a hug before kissing me

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He lifts me up and spins me around in a hug before kissing me. Everyone pops out of a hiding space and shouts 'CONGRATULATIONS'. Al-door runs up to me and give me a hug.


Ge-Ge and Al-door

Ge-Ge and Al-door

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