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        ELIAS ACCIARDI didn't expect for Claire to come in so early in the morning

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        ELIAS ACCIARDI didn't expect for Claire to come in so early in the morning. It was surprising because he was told he could sleep in but he's guessing things have been changed around. But then again he heard whispers around the house. So it was obvious something was going on to have all these people be talking.

"President Snow wants you to come visit him." A small was on her lips as she stood at the end of Elias's bed. He yawned, rubbed his eyes and fluffed his hair up before looking at her. Claire watched him intensely because Elias has took notice to how intensely Claire can stare. Like she's staring into your soul or something. Almost like she knows something about you that you don't even know about yourself. It didn't scare him. He thought it was amusing to see her stare at others in the hallways, or when she accidentally gets caught from her 'crush', staring too hard.

"Why?" Acciardi asked. He didn't really want to go see him. Especially from how things ended a couple days ago between them. But he brushed the feeling away for now. Elias doesn't think he has a say in when he can and cannot see the President.

        "I don't actually know." She helped Elias out of bed before leading him over to the vanity. "But, I'm sure it's nothing bad. At least from what I heard of."

Elias knew all the maids gossiped. They gossiped when they were in his room, at the dinning table, when he was just walking around for fun. It doesn't seem to ever end. Acciardi is being able to hear everything. It was funny, most of what he heard. Most of it was silly because it was about other maids a lot of the time. How one did this, or 'Oh my god! Did you hear that...' Elias couldn't lie, he liked hearing about it. The gossip was good and hot.

Claire hummed a song quietly to herself as she brushed Elias's hair. When she did this it reminded Acciardi of his mother in a way. She used to do that all the time when he was younger. Most of the time Elias would try to go to bed early just so his mother could run her fingers through his hair. Acciardi waited as Claire got an outfit ready for him.

Just then another maid busted through the dirt out of breath. Elias swung his head around to face her. She leaned forward while putting her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. "Claire!" She finally managed to get out.

"Diana?" Claire questioned. Her hands went behind her back as she waited for Diana to answer.

"You will not believe it!" Diana exclaimed. She then walked over towards Elias's bed and sat down. Claire smiled and waited for her to continue. "Guess who got fired?"

"No way!" She paused. "Evelyn?" Claire started to laugh out loud as she set Elias's clothes down.

Acciardi heard about a girl named Evelyn. How she might get fired because of something she did. Elias didn't actually know what she did because no one else did either. So he didn't actually care that much. As long as Claire stays then Acciardi will be fine.

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