𝐎𝐧𝐞, No More Prize

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The day of the Reaping was never something Juliana looked forward to. She dreaded it. Watching innocent people being torn from their homes and forced to fight to the death made her sick, though most Capitol citizens enjoyed it.

Juliana ran her hands over her satin white dress, straightening out any wrinkles, while glaring over to the group of students that she disliked most; Felix Ravinstill, Festus Creed, Lysistrata Vickers, Arachne Crane, and Coriolanus Snow. 

Juliana stood around awkwardly with her arms crossed for a few minutes, glancing around the room at different groups of students chatting. Juliana didn't have many friends as she was district born, and the Capitol hated the Districts. Juliana and her classmate — Sejanus Plinth — have rich parents that had bought their way into the Capitol. Juliana was born in district 4 while Sejanus was from 2. They had become quite close due to them both being district. 

The sound of the Hunger Games anthem echoed through the room, causing students to separate and find their seats. Juliana found herself sitting next to Sejanus in the front row of seats filling the room. She gave him a reassuring smile before turning her attention to the woman standing at the podium in the front of the room. She let out an almost sadistic chuckle before speaking. "How tantalizing to see all your shining young faces on this auspicious day. I am Dr. Volumnia Gaul, your humble Head Gamemaker, in charge of the War Department and all its affiliated concerns," Dr. Gaul announces. "I've broken free of my laboratory today, to examine you. The leaders of the next generation. I won't be around forever, after all," she says with a sly cackle, "and now to that end, I am honored to introduce to you the creator of the Hunger Games themselves. Dean Casca Highbottom," She finishes. 

Juliana turns to look into the crowd of red school uniforms to see Highbottom gulping down a small vile of morphling before preparing to speak, "select students, faculty, and of course, Dr. Gaul. I have summoned you all here today for the 10th annual Reaping Ceremony in which we choose two children from each district to throw into the Capitol Arena to fight to the death in the Hunger Games." 

One of Juliana's classmates — Clemensia Dovecote — pointed out the fact she doesn't understand why he is still allowed to speak in public, in which Juliana silently agreed. Highbottom didn't seem to be in the greatest condition to be speaking to the public. 

"And here sit... our own 24 top prospects all waiting to hear the results of hard study in this prestigious institution. Eager to learn who's won that Plinth prize, no doubt," he continues. His quick grin then turned to a frown. "And a golden future. However, I am here to tell you that there has been a change this year." Juliana shuffles in her seat, nervously. "One final assignment to prove your worth, because... the esteemed citizens of the Capitol have grown bored of the Games and simply aren't watching anymore. And if the Games are to continue at all, there must be an audience. So, Head Gamemaker, Dr. Gaul has stepped in to..." He pauses for a moment. "Incentivize patriotic values with her own unique flair, starting with you. The Plinth prize will no longer be determined by who has the best grades." The room is filled with mutters and gasps of frustration after hearing the news.

 A classmate that Juliana wasn't too fond of — Arachne Crane — released a sassy, "Excuse me?" from beside her. Highbottom continues, "But by who is the best mentor in the Hunger Games. This is a brand new role. As the Reaping progresses live, I will allocate each district tribute a Capitol mentor behind the scenes, one who must persuade them to perform for the cameras." Juliana shakes her head in disbelief at Highbottom's announcement. 

"Obviously, the best mentor will be the one whose tribute wins the Games." Festus says with a weak grin. "What if I get a pathetic runt girl from one of the poor districts, like 8 or 12? They're just gonna die in two minutes like they did last year and the year before," Arachne argued. "Your role is to turn these children into spectacles, Ms. Crane. Not survivors." Highbottom replied, lightly shaking his head as he spoke.

"Victory in the Games is only one of our considerations. Your entire future rests on this last project. Oh, and I must tell you that anyone caught cheating to give their tributes an unfair advantage..." Highbottom lets out a sarcastic chuckle before continuing. "Will just have no future at all," he finishes with a meek shrug. 

"Oh, here we go," Highbottom said, hurrying to sit himself on the step beneath Sejanus and Arachne's feet as the music started, insinuating the Reaping was commencing. "Let the Reaping ceremony begin," Highbottom exclaimed as the tributes from district 1 appeared on screen. "District 1," Highbottom begins, pressing his monocle to his eye as he read a piece of paper, "boy goes to Livia Cardew." Juliana glances to the other side of the room to see Livia smile with excitement after hearing her name being called for one of the "better" districts. "Girl goes to Palmyra Monty," Highbottom continues. 

"District 2 boy..." Highbottom pauses to look toward the screen "How apt," He said staring up at the poor boy, "boy goes to Sejanus Plinth." Juliana let out a deep sigh before placing a hand on Sejanus' shoulder, trying her best to comfort him. Sejanus had previously informed Juliana that his father had bought him a tribute to show him that they would never go back to 2. "You got the pick of the litter," Coriolanus says from beside Juliana, making her direct her gaze to him. "You forget I'm part of that litter," Sejanus replies, staring off toward the floor. The tribute was Sejanus' classmate — Marcus. 

"4 boy, Persephone Price." Juliana's stomach dropped as she watched the two district four tributes appear on screen. Mizzen and Coral. Juliana wasn't too familiar with Mizzen, but she definitely knew Coral. She and Coral we're extremely close back in 4, until Coral became resentful of Juliana. She slowly began to develop a sort of jealousy toward her and became hostile. Juliana pressed her lips together and looked toward the floor as it was hard for her to see Coral like this, even if she despised Juliana. 

"Girl, Festus Creed." Festus raised his eyebrows a bit in acceptance after hearing his name. It was clear he'd wanted someone from one or two, but he'd make do with what he had. 

One by one, Highbottom called out the names of the students as their tributes appeared on screen. Juliana fiddled with her thumbs, waiting to hear her name come from the mans mouth. 

Finally, "7, boy, Juliana Craven," Highbottom said, glancing up to the boy displayed on the screen. The boy had black curly hair and a light brown hat atop his head, covering his curls. Juliana stopped fiddling her thumbs nervously and scanned the boy before Highbottom continued assigning the tributes to a mentor. "Girl, Pup Harrington," The red head girl on the screen was incredibly distraught, Juliana wasn't surprised as to why. A few students had started to laugh at the weeping girl, frustrating Juliana to the point where Sejanus had to talk her down from a ledge before she lashed out at them.

Juliana took notice of the screens switching to the tributes of district 8, calming down for the time being. "8, boy, Juno Phipps. Girl, Hilarius Heavensbee." Juliana let out a frail gasp and covered her mouth with one hand as she examined the screens. The girl looked no over twelve years old and was incredibly innocent. 

"10, boy, Domitia Whimsiwick," Highbottom continued. "Mmm. Girl, Arachne Crane." Arachne's lips, surprisingly, spread into a somewhat proud grin. "11, boy, Clemensia Dovecote. 11, girl, Felix Ravinstill." 

"12, boy, Lysistrata Vickers." Highbottom lets out a sharp breath. "Oh. You'll be happy about this, Ms. Crane." He says standing up and stepping away from Sejanus and Arachne, slowly walking closer to the screens. "The "runt girl" from District twelve, she belongs to Coriolanus Snow." Highbottom says, slowly turning to look at the blond-haired boy, who seemingly was a bit frusterated. 

Everyone watched as the colorfully dressed girl — Lucy Gray — slowly exited the dully dressed crowd. "What is that dress? Is she some sort of clown?" Arachne snickered, attempting to make Coriolanus feel even worse, which seemed to have worked. Before she reached the stage she stopped and stepped toward a girl in the front of the crowd and managed to slip something into the back of her blue dress, causing the girl to immediately frantically reach behind her in attempt to get whatever had been dropped into her dress out. She then fell to the floor screaming as the man on the stage — who happened to be the mayor of District 12 — began yelling for someone to help his daughter. She yelped before a small snake slithered out of her dress and she was helped to her feet by two peacekeepers. 

Juliana couldn't help but let out a small giggle at the sight. That was something that she would have pulled back in four, before she was forced to act like a Capitol snob. 

Once Lucy Gray had reached the stage she was met with a harsh slap from the mayor, causing her to topple over. The mayor attempted to reach for Lucy Gray once again but was stopped by two peacekeepers dragging him away. 

Another peacekeeper began to make his way toward Lucy Gray to help her, but before he could reach her she faced the palm of her hand toward him, insinuating for him to stop. "Just give me a minute, boys." She said, weakly, still in shock from the slap to the face. 

Suddenly, a girl began to sing from the crowd, a boy quickly followed. Lucy Gray then continued the song, slowly rising up from her fall. The song ended with a harsh remark, followed with a bow, causing Juliana and Coriolanus to grin as they surveyed the screen. "Come on, boys." She says before walking back stage. 

"Well, she's mentally ill." Arachne grumbled, causing Juliana to roll her eyes angrily. 

Juliana opened the door to her home, immediately being noticed by her mother. "Julie, Honey, I made din-"

"Not hungry." Juliana interrupts, stomping up the stairs and entering into her room. Juliana was in a horrible mood. Especially after seeing Coral appear on that screen. 

She quickly changed into her pajamas and brushed her teeth before immediately laying down and trying to fall asleep. 

The tributes would be arriving via train tomorrow and Juliana wanted to be sure she was there.  

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