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lowercases are intentional.


today,  was a day filled with troll-fun and holiday surprises. It was national dancing day, one of the many troll holidays. So tonight was the annual troll dance party. It always was hosted at a late time of day.  There would be loud rave-type music followed by softer slow dance music. It wasn't supposed to be anything fancy, you wear what you want, dance how you want, and choose whoever you want to dance with. It was simple. 

But trolls are odd little creatures with odd little traditions. So it was always traditional that the king or queen of the pop trolls would choose one, and only one partner to dance with for the slow dance of the night. They'd get their own little solo dance before the other trolls joined in. again, very simple. 

So why was branch so nervous? Was it the thought of dancing? He hadn't done it in a long time. Maybe he forgot how to, or maybe he didn't know who to dance with. Or maybe, it was because he was scared poppy wouldn't choose him.

Queen poppy. His best friend. The lady who made him happy. as much as branch despised dancing, he had the urge to dance with her, and it was stronger than before. But poppy knew the whole troll village and there was no way she'd choose him over anyone else.

Branch looked in the mirror, clad in a navy vest and some black pants. Not too fancy but fun for a simple dance.

Branch could hear the loud music a mile away. So he began to walk, knowing the party was starting. He swung by his hair across the trees and made it to the center of troll village. Many trolls could be seen dancing to funky pop music. 

And there she was. Queen poppy, right in the middle. Wearing a rainbow dress and dancing around like never before. Branch thought she was so beautiful. He wanted nothing more than to hold his queen and dance with her.

Careful, branch. He knocked that thought away and continued to traveled down to the other trolls. Some of the music softened so that an announcement could be made. On a mushroom platform, king peppy grabbed a microphone. He coughed into it, "huuuck- urg. Testing. Testing.."

He began, "Trolls of pop troll village, how lovely it is to have you here on our annual dance day. But I'm not the king anymore, and it's time for our queen to choose her slow dance partner." Peppy handed off the microphone to the pink troll beside him. poppy looked down at the crowd, nervous. Her eyes scanned over all the trolls.

"Uh, hi guys- uhm. I guess it's time for me to pick a dance partner." Her voice shook. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead. 

"I pick, uhm." then she looked right at him. 

"I pick my best friend in the whole world. I pick branch to dance with me."

There was a noisy cheer of claps and whistles, and eyes darted around to settle on the incredibly nervous blue troll. His face went a shade of pink as the sets of eyes looked in his direction. "Wow poppy, you picked me? I really thought you'd never ask." 

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