.12 ↠ questions

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lowercases are intentional.


branch took in a breath. "I'd like to marry your daughter."

King peppy sat in a chair, with his arms crossed across his chest. His head was tilted to the side, "you would?"

"Yes." The blue troll replied, nervous out of his mind.

There was a pause, "I see how you treat my daughter, branch."

"You do?"

"Yes. I'm impressed." Peppy sighed, with a slight grin, "you treat her very well. She's head over heels for you."

A red tint covered branches face, "oh? Well- king peppy. I'm in love with her too. And I am requesting her hand in marriage." He put his arms behind his back and clamped his hands together, a bead of sweat dropping down his forehead.

Peppy looked up in thought, "do you know that you treat her well?"

"-Yes, I do. I'm prepared to treat her to the best-"

"Will you never leave her, never abandon her when she needs you most?" The former king interrupted him.

Branch shuttered, "yes. I will. I'll be by her side."

"Are you going to give her all you can? All your heart, mind and soul? Will you branch?" Peppy raised her eyebrow, waiting for the blue trolls response. Branch paused in preparation. He closed his eyes.

"Yes. I love her more than anything, and I will." Branch said calm and collected, ending with a sigh. He opened his eyes to see a smile settled on king preppy's face. The former king chuckled, and set a hand on branch's shoulder, "you're great branch. I know you're fit for her, so I'll let you marry my daughter."

Branch jumped up, "what? Really?" His eyes widened, "thank you! Thank you thank you!" He smiled from ear to ear and began to run out, stopping to look back at peppy.

"Invite me to the wedding!" Branch heard him yell before he ran back to his bunker.

Branch looked up at one of his many vision boards. Most were titled with something weapon related, like 'project: building the perfect knife.'  or 'project: master Bergen escape plan' (he still didn't trust the bergens) but there was a new one. This biggest board in the room, titled 'project: marry poppy.' The board was empty, except for a single photograph of smiling poppy in the middle.

Branch sighed and began pinning photos and articles on the board. Photos from their first dates. A journal entry poppy had given him. One of her scrapbook pages; featuring them smooching on a rainbow. A magazine article, titled 'The Perfect Proposal'. The board filled up with artifacts.

But none of it mattered. It was all junk (except for the scrapbook page and photos, of course.) none of it helped. Nothing seemed perfect. Nothing seemed big enough, or loud enough, or special enough. She's not gonna like it- she's not gonna wanna marry m- branches thoughts were interrupted by the bunker platform moving down.

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