.07 ↠ fantastartistic

299 7 23

lowercases are intentional.


it had been 358 days and 5 hours since branch had asked poppy to be his girlfriend. And to him, it was the best day of his life. He loved poppy before, now, and would always love her in the future. During the holidays when he got poppy's name as his secret gift swap person, he spent so long trying to decide on a gift. When his creation blew up in his face, he decided to just give her a scrapbook instead.

and as much as she loved it, branch felt mad at himself for getting her such a lousy gift. He didn't care that poppy hadn't gotten anything for him, because she already gave him everything he need everyday; a loving, hopeful and passionate girlfriend. But branch was determined to get her the most awesome anniversary gift anyone in troll village has ever seen.

So there was 6 days and 19 hours for branch to decide, plan, and create the perfect gift for poppy.. starting now!

His first plan was to try the hair-doing, nail-painting, and smoothie-making machine again. But he would never have enough time to make a version of it that would actually work. Maybe he could make her a scrapbooking machine? "no.."  A rainbow maker? "That's stupid.." maybe a machine that could make her whatever clothes she wanted at that moment? "no, that's more stupid."

gasp. "I've got it" branch said. He decided he would create a painting. I mean, he knew how to paint, right? He'd make a painting of the two of them. He had a photo of poppy holding branches hands and smooching him, it would make the perfect painting. He just had to paint it, in 6 days and 18.5 hours. He could do that, right?

So he grabbed the photo from his dresser and started sketching. all was going well until he heard someone coming down to his bunker.

"Ahh- wait wait wait! Give me a second- don't come down here yet!" The blue troll covered his painting as much as he could and tried hiding his things before the troll could see his designs.

"Branchhh, what are you doin' down there??" The voice belonged to poppy, as she traveled down the bunker to see her boyfriend. "Ooh! Are you scrapbooking?"

"no- no I'm not scrapbooking. uhm-" he quickly shoved his things away, "haha, hello poppy.." He said in a cool-ish tone.

"Okay, well there's some pencils on the floor. I wonder what you were doing.." poppy replied, but got distracted. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips, "sooo watcha up to?"

"Oh- ahah, I'm just bored like usual!" He joked around , unusually. 

"okay.." poppy replied, "well, ya wanna do something? We can sit by the lake orr," she stroked his hand and touched his jacket, "I dunno, something else?"

He tried not to act nervous, "oh, I'm actually- uh , a bit busy right now, poppy."

"Busy? but I thought you just said you were bored-"

"Busy with.. my thoughts!" branch laughed, "my thoughts.. silly me! haha..he."

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