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"I'm f-fine I swear Mr.Park!" Sunghoon put on a frown, he wasn't happy Sunoo was like this. "Why are you doing this?" Sunghoon questioned "w-well..." Sunoo said looking to the side. "You remember Niki right?" The mention of his name made Sunghoon frown even more "yeah..."

"Well... about a week ago me and him were dining coffee in the cafe area, I was wearing a crop top, it wasn't that short though, anyway, he kept looking me up and down so I asked him what was wrong." Sunoo said hesitating to say the next part "and?".

"He s-said that I would look much more better if I lost a couple of pounds, he said I-i shouldn't wear crop tops if my body looks like this, he a-also said my stomach is a bit big. He said everything so calmly, it made me surprised and awkward."

By this time Sunghoon was really pissed, he thought there was no fucking way someone could say something like that about Sunoo, he has the dream body of many girls.

"Is that all?" Sunghoon said angrily "a-after that I quickly wrapped things up and left, I went to the bathroom because I feel my stick at what he said, it made me feel really insecure, especially since I write cropped top..."

"Have you two talked since then?" "N-no, but I think he's noticed how I look now, he looks at me creepily." "If he does anything else let me know right away, I don't care if I'm busy, call me okay?" Sunghoon said this time more softly and calmly. "Okay..." Sunoo replied embarrassed.

The next day Sunoo was a bit nervous to go to work but tried his best to ignore it, this is what he wore.

The next day Sunoo was a bit nervous to go to work but tried his best to ignore it, this is what he wore

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(Minus the bag)
Sunoo put some concealer, blush, and lip tint on then went out his room to the kitchen. He didn't see Sunghoon anywhere so he just sat on the couch scrolling through instagram and happened to come across Sunghoon's instagram, he didn't think he had instagram.

He clicked on it.

He looked through all of his posts for some reason

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He looked through all of his posts for some reason. Damn I didn't know he had an account, he looks so fine not gonna lie...

 Damn I didn't know he had an account, he looks so fine not gonna lie

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This was his favorite picture.

Sunoo heard a noise so he turned around to see Sunghoon coming out from his room, his clothes matched with Sunoo's for some reason.

Sunoo heard a noise so he turned around to see Sunghoon coming out from his room, his clothes matched with Sunoo's for some reason

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He didn't mind it though, it looked like as if they were a couple matching clothes, he also looked fine as hell to Sunoo.

"Sunghoon hyung" "yes?" I found your instagram account! You should follow me! I'll follow you" Sunghoonwas embarrassed by the thought of Sunoo seeing his posts and you could tell.

"Uh s-sure... I guess" Sunghoon said which made Sunoo excited, Sunoo clicked the follow button then Sunghoon went on his phone and clicked into the app following him back, he never followed anyone but he was happy he followed Sunoo.

"We should go now" Sunghoon said earning a nod from Sunoo. They left quickly and both were happy.

They arrived a couple minutes early so they both decided to get coffee together, a lot of people bowed and greeted Sunghoon since he was popular so Sunoo bowed as well.

They got to the coffee bar and got their coffee, Sunoo usually got a donut and Sunghoon knew that, he didn't get one though which worried him. "Sunoo" "yes sir?" "Where's your donut at?" Sunoo looked nervous and put on a frown when he heard that "uh I-I'm not very hungry" Sunghoon also had a frown, he looked a bit angry "no" "w-what?" "I said no, I want you to get it even if your not hungry right now, you'll be hungry later, I'm not going to force you but I suggest to at least hold on to it for later" "o-okay".

Sunoo grabbed a donut then they were headed to their office when Sunghoon bumped into someone and almost spilled his coffee "watch where you're going" he said angrily, he looked up to see Niki. His frown turned into an angry face and he fixed his jacket angrily.

"Oh sorry" Niki said looking a bit annoyed, he looked over Sunghoon's shoulder and saw Sunoo looking nervous, Sunoo looked down not knowing what to do. "Oh, hey Sunoo" Niki said smirking, Sunghoon scooted over so Niki couldn't see Sunoo anymore which annoyed Niki.

"Well we have to go now" Sunghoon said "hold on" Niki said pushing Sunghoon aside a bit to go to Sunoo "hey, you've been getting sexier" Niki said smirking "e-excuse me?" "You've gotten skinnier, just how I like it" Niki was eyeing Sunoo up and down about to touch his waist when he let a hand hit him on his arm.

"Don't fucking touch him" Sunghoon said glaring down Niki "do you have some type of anorexia kink or something" "uh what" "you only care for people with skinny bodies, you need to take a step fucking back"

Sunghoon grabbed Sunoo's arm and speed walked away to his office, when he got there he locked the door and turned to Sunoo. "Are you okay!? Did he make you uncomfortable!?" "I-I'm fine, he did make me a bit uncomfortable though" Sunoo said nervously fiddling with his fingers.

He felt two hands grab his own, he looked down and saw Sunghoons long pretty hands on his own. He looked back up to see Sunghoon staring right at him, his eyes softened at the sight of Sunoo. "It'll be okay, don't worry okay?..." "yeah" Sunoo said smiling a bit and looking back down, they thanked heard a knock on the door and freaked out so they pulled apart.

*cough* "come in!" Sunghoon said turning back into his cold self, Jungwon and Heeseung came in with a couple of papers and they talked to them for a bit about the papers

When they were done talking the two left and Sunghoon sighed while sitting down in his chair, Sunoo also let out a little sigh and stood to the side of Sunghoon's desk.

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