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Chapter 25: The Zombie Apocalypse, 25

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Wen Zhu has been sleeping enough recently and is very regular, so he occasionally wakes up in the middle of the night, and after drinking ice water, he doesn't feel sleepy, but thinks it's quite interesting, so he casually pulls a chair over, sits down, and raises his eyebrows: "Talking about business?" Do you deserve it too?

Her posture is not particularly cold, but her words are very piercing. No. 1 on the ground suddenly blushed, and squirmed to express anger: "We are from the Dawn Base!" Why don't you deserve it!

Looking at his words and demeanor, he really looks like a pampered and naïve rich second generation. Dawn base.,It's also mentioned in that book.,It's a well-known background board in the plot that was written.,The original text said that the protagonist group planned to come here to see the situation.,But it's a pit before it is written.。 Therefore, the specific situation of the Shuguang base, Wen Zhu also listened to the words of the customers and pieced it together.

The big base is big, but Wen Zhu is not afraid, Wen Yan sneered, raised his foot and stepped on the young man's face, pushing him back to the same place: "You said it doesn't count!" Honestly, I can still spare your life, if I get annoyed by the mess again, I will kill you all and make bacon jerky to feed the zombies!

Wen Zhu was wearing indoor slippers, flip-flops in summer, she didn't go out, so the soles were very clean, but this was also very humiliating, the young man's face was even redder, his lips trembled, and he couldn't speak for a while. It's really rare, there are still such emotional characters in the end of the world?

Behind him a man of the same youth took over the shouting flag: "Do you know who he is? He's the son of the base's second-in-command! Only son! If you dare to offend him, the Dawning Base will not let you go! Haven't we pried the door open yet!

This group of people not only seems to be unqualified, but also one by one is more unable to speak. Wen Zhu glared at him, looked at the weakest of the four girls, and plucked out his ears: "What did you just say?" The sound was drowned out, and I didn't hear it.

The young girl looked like a timid little rabbit, and her voice plucked up the courage to repeat: "Why do you make bacon?" It's a waste to feed zombies.

She may often miss the point so much, as soon as this remark came out, the rest of the people who were originally as quiet as chickens and didn't dare to make noise couldn't help it: "Hey!!

Wen Zhu was amused and patiently explained: "Of course, it's because I don't eat human flesh, but it's the most painful to make bacon alive, anyway, why waste it?" Catch zombies and have fun.

The little rabbit girl looked at her with wide eyes, not looking scared, but still having opinions, but not daring to say it.

Wen Zhu ignored her, took another sip of ice water, and said leisurely: "Okay, I can see it too, you are all here to play tickets, right?" Young people are fledgling and want to make achievements, but they didn't expect their vision to be so bad and their luck is not good. Congratulations on hitting the iron plate. I won't kill you, as long as you can afford to pay for your life. One person can have at least ten fourth-level crystal nuclei, or the equivalent can be exchanged for other crystal nuclei. Otherwise, I will make you bacon. Now, I'm sorry for you to go outside and wait.

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