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Pinellia novel

Chapter 157 157 ★ The end of the zombie apocalypse, 157

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Previous chapter: Chapter 156 156 ★ Zombie Apocalypse, 156

Chapter 157 157 ★ The end of the zombie apocalypse, 157


Wen Zhu feels more and more that he is the reborn parent of the residents of Taoyuan. He not only takes care of their food, drink, go to school and work, but also takes care of entertainment and leisure, and their personal future...

"The emperor is the parent of the people. "I thought I was the king of the world, but I didn't expect that one day I would be able to use such a high-end sentence to describe it." She couldn't help complaining.

And not only do we have to be parents to our own people, we also have to be parents to foreigners.

After gathering a few elite teams, Wenzhu quickly cleared the map of the country, and the city number reached 19. Because we are not sure if we have missed anything, it is common for some isolated small bases to not show up for half a year. Therefore, every city is constantly expanding to the surrounding areas. Drones have made patrols and propaganda a daily routine, in order to collect information. Survivors scattered in inaccessible areas.

It will be summer soon. If the delay is too long, the number of survivors may be reduced a lot.

Wenzhu led the team directly abroad, first heading north to search and rescue survivors in bordering countries. Because living on the border with neighboring countries, there are more people who can speak foreign languages ​​and understand the situation there better. Although Wenzhu can make the system provide a very useful translator, the lack of communication barriers does not mean that trust is easily generated. Because we met people in the Northeast who had been doing business with foreign countries, Wenzhu decided to start here.

For foreigners in dire straits, there is a natural distinction between first come and later stay. The earlier they are rescued, the faster and better their development may be. But for Wenzhu, the choice is not a problem, but a necessity. Anyway, there will be someone first and someone second. Although the difference is only in Wen Zhu's thoughts, there will always be a place behind her, so she will have no psychological pressure.

Fortunately, although there was some resistance among the people at the beginning, in fact, when the work started, because the welfare benefits have been very good, there was no voice of resistance - mainly because they had no position to resist, and they knew that Wenzhu was not willing to listen. , who could be so disappointed?

They simply do not have the ability or position to confront Wenzhu, and many people still know this.

When Wenzhu went abroad, besides fighting the battle, he wanted to relax both physically and mentally. As his career got better, Wenzhu entrusted all the parts of the system that could develop automatically to trusteeship. The reason was very good: "Making money is important, but life is equally important, not to mention that this is my second life. Besides, I am both I've been working for you, and now it's time to take a break."

The parts being managed are mainly factory production, employee recruitment and other types of tasks that the system can handle. Although in the traditional management model, these parts require personal supervision by decision-makers, for the system, adjusting the supply and demand relationship, production and recruitment based on data is what it is best at.

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