Turned to Sand

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The song above was sang by Leona's va. Enjoy!

Ps. should I make a karaoke chapter with songs that the character's va sing?

Location: Hall of Mirrors

Along with the first years, you had gone off to the hall of mirrors. You had to act quick as this was being done without Crowley's permission.

"So will Azul's potion really let us breathe underwater?" Deuce mused.
"I don't doubt it. This is Ashengrotto we're talking about. He wouldn't give us a potion that doesn't do what he said it would do." you replied.

"Ok.. on three.. One.. two.. three!" Ace then proceeded to chug the potion along with the other first years.

You had inhaled the potion in its entirety before coughing at the taste.
"Bleh, that's rank.."

"Tell me about it! It's nasty! It tastes like dried frog and rotten mushrooms!" Grim complained.
"How would you know that.." Jack coughed, "It's a powerful flavour alright."

"What sorta genius decided potions had to taste manky, anyway? Someone better fix that." Ace sighed.

"Shouldn't we care more about efficiency than flavour? Wait.. it's getting hard to breathe" Deuce strained.

The potion was obviously taking effect and your lungs were adapting to breathe underwater. The others were gasping for air - or well, the water - as you were also starting to find it hard to breathe.

"Magic Mirror of Darkness.. Guide us to the Coral Sea!" you coughed.

The Mirror suddenly lit up and teleported the group into the Coral Sea.

You quickly took a breath in and sighed in relief while the others thought they were going to drown until they quickly realised they weren't.

"Woah! Look at this reef! If Cater was here, he'd be taking pics and putting hashtags on them faster than you can say Magicam!" Ace grinned in awe.

"Woah look at all the cute fishies!" Yuu laughed
"Not too close, Yuu, you could scare them away" You glanced at the passing school of fish.

"No time for gawking at the scenery. We need to get a move on. We don't know how long the potion lasts." Jack spoke up.

Location: Atlantica Memorial Museum

"So this is it, huh?"
"Mrah! Look at those people with fish tails instead of legs!"

"Those are mermen. Instead of human's, mermen are the ones who live underwater." You informed before a large shadow cast over you.

You scowled, knowing just who it is. 'Of course Ashengrotto would send his lackeys over.'

"Ahhhh Shrimpyyyy and co. There you are!" A high-pitched playful voice echoed through your ears.
"Good day, everyone. How are you enjoying your time under the sea?" A calm voice followed.

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