Bt lore prt 1 | walk

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Jelly slogo and crainer started living their lives out in a small town that jelly found, he named it 'TURTLE TOWN !!'

They started out quite peacefully - but then the first of many trolls began, which led them in to a (mostly friendly at first) rival between the three of them

Many professional builders came by, many pets, (mostly fish) met their ends quite quickly after they had been taken in - and slowly..the town became more and more toxic.

Crainers fish kept getting killed, Jelly's houses kept getting destroyed, and Slogo!


One Morning Jelly pulled crainer aside and asked him to walk with him, crainer was reluctant at first but hey "how could things get any worse." he said sarcastically

Jelly smiled slightly and let out a nervous laugh

They started walking in to a spruce forest near-ish the houses. The forest was thick but streams of sunlight were shining through the gaps in the trees, foxes were lingering curiously in the shadows and there were soft noises of the dirt under their feet. "This is the most safe I've felt in awhile.." crainer said breaking the silence
Jelly looked slightly over his shoulder back at his former friend, he felt a pang of guilt in his chest.

"I'm sorry about your fish. I know how much they meant to you." jelly said sincerely

"Not your fault.."

There was a small pause

"Sorry for even coming here in the first place." Crainer said.

Jelly stopped and turned to face crainer
"Hey..don't apologise. In a way I'm sort of glad we met"

"Really?" Crainer said surprised

"In the beginning anyways"

"Hey!" Crainer laughed

Jelly smiled at him and giggled - "Seriously though! We all kind of got along in the beginning"

"Heh we I kinda forgot me and josh were ever friends" Crainer joked, a tone of sadness in his voice

'Wow..they were friends weren't they..'
Jelly thought to himself.
For the first time in awhile, he felt genuinely bad for crainer. He recalled when they first arrived, slogo had almost seemed protective over crainer, and he knew crainer looked up to josh in a way.
Although now he couldn't even begin to guess why.

"Why did you bring me here?" Crainer questioned

Jelly paused for a second, and opened his mouth to speak. just when a gut wrenching explosion sounded in the distance. Shaking the ground and making jelly and crainer stumble and fall

"What the fuck was that?!" Jelly said picking himself up

"Oh god.." Crainer said breathlessly

Jelly looked over at him. crainer was sitting upright in the dirt, looking up above the trees - and staring directly at the smoke appearing over them.

"Crainer are yo-"

"That's where my house is."

Ello‼️ I'm sorry if this doesn't make a whole lot of sense I'm not the BEST at writing yet but I'll try to improve!1!1! ANYWAY IDK WHAT IM GONNA MAKE HAPPEN NEXT SO SUGGESTIONS ARE OPEN :'3 !!
Kay bye jdjdkwjq

(504 words)

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