Bt lore part 2 | slogo

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Crainer sped quickly through the forest, jumping over streams and fallen trees barley taking his eyes off the clouds of smoke as he ran.

Jelly was not far behind him
Oh god this is all my fault..

The two of them continued running and weaving through trees until they saw the clearing.

Crainer stops abruptly, his feet skidding slightly on the damp grass

Jelly ran up behind him gasping for air, and stops to look up at crainer.

"Wh..what happe-"

He stopped. Crainer's face had gone completely white and he was quivering

His gaze quickly darted past crainer to look at what was ahead of him.

Jelly's eyes widened in shock as he stared at a giant crater like hole in the ground where crainer's house used to be.

And standing beside it, with a sickening grin on his face, was slogo.

Authors note
Heyoo!! I'm sorry I haven't been active here , I was struggling to think of a good plot for the next part (hence why this is so short😭).
I'll try my best to write a lot more since I really enjoy writing lore for people :D
Hopefully I'll get the next part out soon, and I hope everyone's enjoying this little side story so far‼️‼️

- kat

212 words

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