Chapter 4

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Monday 21st Great Tree Moon

As Byleth slept that evening, the day before the incident in the training ground, Jeralt was being kept awake by a man that annoyed both of them.

'You really weren't kidding about the age thing, huh Jeralt? You haven't aged a bit in twenty years!'

'Try say it louder next time Alois, I think only three thirds of the monastery heard you.'

Alois threw his head back with a loud, booming laugh. His voice echoed across the land below. They sat with their legs dangling over a grand battlement. The moon shone above, and towering mountains protruded from a thin layer of mist that hung below the monastery.

'You know, I don't think I've been up here in years,' the knight said, sighing. 'You always used to come up here to hide from Roland if I remember rightly.'

'The old gatekeeper?' Jeralt said. 'That jackass never left me alone, always had some nonsensical story to share. I'm not sorry he got fired for sleeping on the job.'

Alois laughed again. 'He meant well. But how did you find out about this place anyway? Knights of Seiros don't do rounds on the walls. Did you just dare to wander up here by yourself one time?'

Jeralt paused. 'It was Sitri who showed me. Took me up one day after I told her about one of my adventures. She wanted to know where it'd happened and when I said I'd point it out to her she brought me up here.'

He exhaled and shook his head. Alois put a hand on his shoulder.

'She was an amazing woman.'

'I miss her.'

'I know you do.'

They sat in silence, listening to the wind blowing, the clanks of knights marching and the gates opening and closing from somewhere below. After a few more moments, Alois spoke again.

'What was the name of your second wife?'

Jeralt blinked. 'Um... Mary.'

Alois nodded, scratching his chin. 'I'm sorry I never met her, but she lives on in your son.'


'Your son who's now professor of the Black Eagles!'

Jeralt shook his head. 'If you'd told me he'd be in this position a week ago I would've called you crazy. Wasn't even able to ask him about it either, he was already asleep when I went to see him earlier.'

'He'll be tired after his first lesson today,' Alois said. 'And from all the conversing he did with his students at lunch! I was watching him, they asked him a million and one questions!'

'And he seemed okay to you? Did he seem like he was settling in?'

Alois laughed. 'He looked a bit uncomfortable with all the questions but he seemed fine otherwise. He's quite reserved, isn't he?'

'Y'know, that's something I've been meaning to ask you. Why did you insist to Lady Rhea that he should be a professor? Why not just allow him to join the Knights of Seiros?'

'Because I think he's the perfect man for the job! The last professor was a pompous coward from some fancy school. All talk and no substance. He fled when the bandits attacked a few days ago, leaving our students in danger! Byleth on the other hand risked his life to save them. He might be reserved, but the students won't care if he's half the warrior you are. And besides, it'll do your son some good, bring him out of his shell!'

'Right,' Jeralt murmured.

'You don't think it's a good idea?' Alois asked.

Jeralt sighed. 'At first, I wanted to smack you. You forced me to return to Gareg Mach Monastery, knowing that Lady Rhea would force me to re-join the Knights of Seiros if she saw me, and in doing so, you forced my son into the fold.'

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