kiss on the lips

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002. kiss on the lips


   "Lydia!" Cassiopeia shouted from her room, "My dress. Where is it?"

   Lydia, Cassie's maid, ran in holding a long baby blue dress.

   "Right here Miss Cassandra." She put the dress down on her bed.

   "Thank you, and it's Cassiopeia." Cassie corrected her, without even looking at her as she was digging through her shoe closet. Throwing every shoe in her way on the floor.

   "Now," She turned to look at the maid, holding two pairs of heels in her hands. "Which pair of heels do you think suit the dress? Versace or Dior?"

   Lydia hesitated, "Are you sure you want my opinion? I'm not really experienced in this area."

   "Yes, why do you think I asked?" Cassie replied, looking slightly annoyed, then she formed a smile. "Now. Versace," She lifted up the pair, "Or Dior?" She lifted up the other pair.

   Lydia hesitated again, "Miss Cassandra–"

   "Oh my gosh Lydia, just pick a shoe already." The raven haired girl cut her off and rolled her eyes.

   "Okay." Lydia sighed. "The Diors would clash with the dress so take the Versaces."

   "Thank you!" Cassiopeia smiled and looked around the dress, "I kinda see what you're thinking."

   She looked back the maid. "You're good." Cassie complimented her.

   "Thank you Miss Cassandra." She smiled.

   "Pleasure. Now shoo, your services are no longer needed." She shooed her away with her hands, Lydia bowed her head and headed towards the door.

   "And it's Cassiopeia!" She corrected the maid as she closed the door. She sighed and took her phone from the back pocket of her shorts. Scrolling through her emails and checking for new scandals.

   She threw her phone on the bed, going to clean the mess she made with her shoes when her phone started ringing.

   She picked it up, reading the name "BLAIR" on the screen.

   "Hey! I was about to call you. How did it go with Nate– " She answered with a smile but was cut off by the caller.

   "Cassie, can you come over?" Cassie's smile dropped. She noticed that from the sound of her voice, Blair had been crying.

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