cassie's thoughts

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003. cassie's thoughts


   "Oh my God, I have a headache." Cassiopeia groaned as the whole group entered the party, Blair leaving her side to go hug other people at the party, and Nate leaving to God knows where.

   "I know something that can help with that." Chuck said to her, with the infamous Chuck Bass smirk on his face, making the Salvatore girl grimace.

   "Ew, no." Cassie put her hand in front of Chuck, and walked away to sit by Kati and Is.

   Cassie looks at the bar, seeing Jenny standing there all alone, she almost wanted to go there to help her feel comfortable.


   "Who's the newbie?" Chuck eventually caught up to her, sitting next to her and looking at the same direction Cassie was looking.

    "Jaime Humphrey, or whatever her name was. Jenny, I think." The raven-haired girl explained. "She's a freshman."

   "I love freshman." Chuck said, making Cassie cringe, "They're so..."

    "Fresh?" Isabel finished the sentence.

   "Anything about her on Gossip Girl?" Chuck asked.


   "Not until you're done with her."

   Cassie looked at Chuck in disgust. "You're not serious going to corrupt her." Chuck stood up and walked towards her.

   "Charles, she's a child!" She shouted, but he ignored her, making her roll her eyes and walk away.

   Cassie continued dancing and drinking with others in the party. She honestly couldn't care less about parties. She looked around at everyone at the party, they were either making out, or dancing or drinking.

   "Is that Serena?" She heard someone say.

   "It's Serena," Someone else said. Cassie looked at the direction everyone was looking, grimacing at her cousin. "Of course she's here," She muttered, walking towards her, but every time she took a step, Serena moved. She noticed Nate walking away from Blair as she walked towards them.

   "Where's Archibald going?" She asked her best friend, who was too busy looking at their former best friend to answer. Serena turned to look at them, making Cassie roll her eyes as she walked away towards the bar. She asked for a bottle as she watched as some weirdo she barely recognized walk up the stairs to the roof, with Serena following behind him. On the rooftop, doesn't sound like her at all. She thought. But then again, I don't know her anymore. She mentally shrugged.

She walked out of the club, wanting some fresh air. She noticed Nate standing all alone, brooding. Cassie rolled her eyes, walking towards him.

   "Archibald," Cassie announced her presence, waving with the hand holding the bottle. "You okay?"

   "No," He pointed at the bottle Cassie was holding, which she handed to him, "I'm frustrated. Ever since I told Blair about me and Serena, she's been on edge."

   Cassie looked at him, stating the obvious, "I mean you did cheat on her, so of course she's gonna be like that. But I'm sure Blair's doing this out of love."

   The two sat in silence. Watching as everyone went outside to watch the commotion. Serena and her new boyfriend walked out to the cab with the blonde freshman Cassie kept forgetting the name of. Cassie looked at Nate who was eyeing Serena.

But somehow those feelings aren't reciprocated.

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