9 | Stir

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It should not have come as a surprise to him when he could not fall asleep that night, considering his on-going unfortunate streak of restless nights. Was it too bad to wish for Zane to give him whatever he gave him again so he could pass out?

It was probably better than all the crazy thoughts swirling inside his mind. Not even the pre-sleep workout could help him reach some clarity, or peace at least, as it usually did. He had to cut it short because everything was getting too much.

His stupid brain was too much.

He was never as sceptical as certain siblings, nor was he a passionate believer like a certain motormouth – the closest he got to him was with his hopeless romanticism. And the closest he got to the Smiths was with what he deemed to be enough common sense to call out obvious bullshit.

But the longer he spent inside his own head, the more all of the crazy, jumbled puzzle pieces began to form into a proper shape. The more the (mis)fortune wheel of his thoughts spun, the more he wanted it to stop but the more it went on. And it was still mere hours since Zane let him out of the infirmary. It was the longest day and night ever.

Cole had no reason to believe any of his own crazy ideas and yet he spent the restless night marking all the full moons in his calendar.

He had nothing to hide and yet he tucked away a notebook to note his symptoms, write out every piece of so-called 'evidence' that would enable his twisted mind – the fact that he could not close his eyes for just a few hours being near the top.

He had nothing to worry about and yet he fussed over getting himself some alibi for the next time but there was simply no way his thoughts were making any sense whatsoever! Everything was coincidental, just his shit-for-brains luck getting another laugh.

A werewolf? Him? A werewolf! Werewolves belong in fairy tales! Fantasy books and movies, stories for the ones bored of the limits of their world. Plus, he was not bitten by a werewolf and that is how people get turned. No, he was bit by a wolf. A regular old wolf, nothing weird about it.

But the scar just would not stop tingling in the moonlight.

It was pure nonsense. Maybe he was friends with Jay for too long. Maybe he suffered some consequences of the terrible blood loss and sudden recovery. Perhaps he should go to Zane and ask him for reevaluation, clearly he was not healthy at all. Not at all. Not one bit. He lost it! After years of the most insane parade of events and weirdos with murderous intents, he had finally lost it!

Everyone was told the same tale – No, I do not remember anything from the night, just so much pain and then waking up all bloody.

And it wasn't a lie. Because all the blurs, the running, the fear, the confusion, those probably weren't any coherent memories. Just sparks of his imagination. Perhaps standing on the ledge between life and death.

So what if his bones hurt just like when he got his growth spurt just enhanced tenfold? So what if his muscles were rather stretching than being torn apart? None of it meant anything, he was delirious.

Then why could he not tear his eyes away from the night sky? Why could he not stop checking the date of the next full moon? Why was he being so spooked over something so absurd?

No matter how much he tried to reason with himself, there still remained the tiny voice, the very quiet but restless voice, telling him the opposite. There was no concrete proof, nothing that could give him any reason to believe it besides the night of his accident being a full moon night. But why would he attack himself? No, nothing made any sense.

And yet, for some godforsaken reason, the idea would not slip his mind, would not let go, as if something was trying its best to convince him.

Nope. No, it is not true, he would argue with himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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