It Takes Two

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Tara's Pov:
It's been two weeks since Y/n moved in with me, and oh my God. I swear it's been the best thing ever.
We have formed a special bond that I never knew was possible. We started off as acquaintances, but as we spent more and more time together, we became inseparable. We would have lunch dates at our favorite cafes, trying out new dishes and just enjoying each other's company. We would also have movie nights, where we would snuggle up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and watch our favorite films. It was during these movie nights that we discovered our shared love for romantic comedies and our knack for predicting the plot twists.

But our bond goes beyond just fun activities. Y/n and I have also had deep conversations that have brought us even closer. We have opened up to each other about our fears, dreams, and insecurities. It's amazing how easily we can talk to each other and how understanding and supportive we are of one another. I literally adore Y/n, but I can notice something is off with her, but besides that, I'm currently on my way to have lunch with Jake and Johnnie.

Third Person Pov:
Tara arrived at the restaurant where Jake and Johnnie were waiting and was quickly escorted to the booth. Upon seeing the two of them, she greeted them warmly with a “How are you guys?” and then added, “I saw your teaser for your song, Jake.” Jake suddenly mumbled a quiet thanks. He was looking back at the menu before he said it.
Tara and Johnnie both exchanged, knowing glances before Johnnie spoke up.

'Anyway, how's Y/n? I heard she's been busy lately.' Johnnie's question was met with a smile from Tara.
She nodded and said, 'She's been amazing to have around. She's been working hard at the new job and helping out at home. She's been really busy, but she's still managing to make time for herself.' Jake seemed to perk up when he heard this. He looked up from the menu and smiled. 'That's great,' he said. 'I'm glad she's doing well. It's nice to hear good news. I miss seeing her."

Tara and Johnnie both gave each other a look. They were happy to see that Jake was still interested in Y/n, even though they hadn't seen each other in a while. You could tell Jake still deeply cared for Y/n, but did she return those feelings?

(Time Skip)

After the meal, Tara was texting Y/n about plans for later, unti Johnnie got Tara's attention,
"So, Jake and I were hosting a small game night tonight. Sam and Colby are coming over, too, and you're welcome to come over. If you're free."
"Uh yeah, I'll be over! Just text me time. Bye, Jake! Bye Johnnie!"
Tara called before getting into her car.

Y/n's Pov:
I was straightening my hair before I heard Tara call out she was home from her lunch date. I put the straightener down and turned around to see Tara standing in my doorway. 'I'm in my room! How was it?' I asked before Tara sat down on my bed. She smiled and said, 'It was great! We're invited to a game night at the boy's house tonight' My heart sank at the thought of seeing Jake again.

'I don't know if I can do it,' I said, shaking my head. Tara looked at me sympathetically and put her arm around my shoulder. 'It's okay if you don't want to go,' she said. 'I just thought it would be a good way for you to reconnect. I mean... Jake really looked rough today."
I take a deep sigh as I put my hand on my forehead.
"You're right, Tara. I need to talk to him. I shouldn't have ignored him."
Tara smiled in satisfaction before getting up.
"I need to shower, but we'll leave in 2 hours!" Tara hums as she walks out of my room.

Jake's Pov:
I can't believe Johnnie invited the girls, but I'm not upset about them coming. I'm more upset because I don't want Y/n to see me and ignore me more. I just can't take it.
I ran my fingers through my hair while I stood in front of the bathroom sink. I stared at myself, soaking in my emotions. Before Johnnie knocked on the door, let me know Sam and Colby just arrived. I opened the door and was immediately greeted by Colby.

(Time Skip)

Colby and I were outside in the backyard while I smoked my cigarette. I needed advice since it's the two of us. I might as well ask.
"Hey, Colby... you know that girl that moved in, and I wouldn't stop talking about."
"Yeah, Y/n. What about her? I heard about that nasty fight with her and Vicky at the 10 mil party."
"That was the worst night of my life. I fucked up and told her why did she fight with Vicky. Honestly, I don't even know why I said that and now... Y/n gave me the silent treatment and closed herself off from me, but I fucking care about that girl." Colby raised his eyebrow before chuckling and looking at me.
"You just figured out your own problem, Jake." I pushed the cigarette in the ashtray before shaking my head.
"What? How?"
"Pfft, you need to tell Y/n that you care for her and that she means so much to you, but you also need to tell her what you did wrong. Then maybe she'll forgive you." Colby sighed out before the back door slid open, and Tara waves.
"Hey, Jake! Hi, Colby. " Tara smiled before I could hear Y/n's voice inside the house. My heart grew heavy.

Third Person Pov:
As Jake and Colby entered the house, the atmosphere was tense. The rest of the group was busy setting up for their game night, but Jake couldn't help but feel the weight of Y/n's disapproving gaze. Ever since their argument things had been awkward between them. Jake couldn't understand why Y/n was still holding a grudge against him, but she continued to give him the cold shoulder. It hurt him to see her look away from him, her once bright and friendly eyes now filled with resentment. He had always valued their friendship and hated that it was now falling apart. Jake couldn't shake off the feeling that he had lost someone important to him. As he made his way to join the others, he couldn't help but steal glances at Y/n, hoping to catch a glimpse of her smile. But every time he looked, she was avoiding his gaze. He knew he had made a mistake, but he didn't want to lose her.

(Time Skip)

As the group of friends finished up their intense game of Candy Land, they decided to take a break and move into the living room. Everyone settled onto the plush couches, chatting and laughing about the game. However, one person was missing from the group - Y/n. She had stayed behind in the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge to find some water. As she poured herself a glass, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief to have a moment away.

But her peaceful moment was short-lived as she heard someone enter the kitchen. It was Jake.Y/n couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable as he approached her, not knowing what to expect. But before she could even say a word, Jake spoke up.

'Hey, Y/n. Can we talk?' he asked, his voice soft and sincere.

Y/n hesitated for a moment before nodding. She knew she couldn't avoid him forever and it was time to clear the air. The two of them sat at the kitchen table, facing each other. Jake took a deep breath before starting to speak.

'I'm sorry about the party. I shouldn't have said those things to you. I don't know why I blamed you. You were just protecting yourself. I know I messed up and I'm really sorry,' he apologized, his eyes full of regret.

Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. She had been holding onto her anger towards Jake, but now that he had apologized, she found herself letting go of it. She knew Jake was a good person and he genuinely cared about their friendship.

'It's okay, Jake. I was being stubborn too. I should have just talked to you about it instead of ignoring you,' Y/n replied, a small smile forming on her face. Jake laughed before making direct eye contact with Y/n.

Y/n's Pov:
My heart stung like it did before when I first met Jake. His hand slipped into mine, gently holding it. He pulled me out of the chair as we stood in front of each other. Chest to chest. He towered over me, but that didn't matter. I looked up, and he's looking down at me. I could see his toothy smile as we stared into each other's eyes.
"So, what are you doing tonight?" I smiled before Jake started to laugh out loud.
"Hmm, I don't know. What do you want to do tonight?" Jake whispers before I shrug and pull away.
"I'm thinking of...having a good night sleep." I fake yawn before walking back into the living room where everyone was waiting for us. I sat down next to Tara as Jake sat next to Johnnie. As the night went on, I could catch Jake sneaking some glimpses of me. I'm hoping that our friendship will turn into something more.

Word Count: 1672

Author's Note:
Happy New Year!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I think the next chapter is going to be a more love related one. I'm still struggling with writing them. If you have any ideas or thoughts, please let me know!!

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