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Third Person Pov:
Jake and Y/n have been inseparable lately. They have been spending every waking moment together, going on movie dates, trying new restaurants, and even taking spontaneous road trips. Their chemistry is undeniable, and it seems like they can't get enough of each other.

Despite the fact that Jake and Y/n have been spending a lot of time together lately, Y/n and Jake have been feeling a sense of unease about their relationship. Sure, they go on movie dates and coffee runs, but there seems to be something missing between them. They couldn't quite put her finger on it, but they couldn't shake off the feeling. The two never really made official what their relationship status actually was.

They would usually refer to each other as friends, but they do the total opposite of what friends would do. Jake is always taking Y/n on dates, or they drive to each other's apartment to watch a movie and cuddle, but once in a while, they would have sex.

Y/n still lived with Tara, and she loves how peaceful it is there, where she could experience a friendship where they could talk about anything without shame. Except she's missing the chaotic household full of laughter. Y/n has been secretly talking to Johnnie about moving back in with them, but she hasn't told Jake , nor did Johnnie.

Third Person Pov:
As the movie played on the TV screen, Jake couldn't help but fiddle with his sensory slug. It was his favorite toy, with its bright colors and smooth texture. Johnnie shot him a disapproving look, clearly annoyed by the noise the slug was making.

But Jake couldn't resist playing with it, especially when he was feeling overstimulated or because he wanted to. Y/n, couldn't help but giggle at Jake's antics. She had always found his love for sensory toys silly. She leaned her head on Jake's shoulder, enjoying the warmth and comfort of his presence.

Y/n's Pov:
I couldn't focus on the movie we were watching at all. I usually get bored watching movies, so I can't finish one, but it seems like Jake and Johnnie were also losing their attention for the movie. I sighed as I looked at Johhnie, "So, what do you guys want for dinner? We could buy something or... make something."

(Time Skip)

We decided what we wanted for dinner, and it was pizza like always. 
Johnnie was in his room getting ready to stream on Twitch, and it was just Jake and I in the living room.  I laid in between his legs where my head rested on his chest. His arms wrapped around my waist as we both watched finished up another a movie. 

"Y/n, what's the plan for tonight, hmm?" Jake looked down at me before tightening his grasp on my waist. 
"I don't know. I was actually going to head back home, before it gets too late. Why, do you want me stay?" I sat up, before looking back at him with a smile, but before you know it I could his lips touch my cheek before he shrugs.
"I mean... I would like you to stay, but if you have other plans then don't worry about it." He sighed. I laughed before slipping away from his touch, before pulling him up from the couch.
"Let's go lay down then." I basically dragged him to the room, before belly flopping on the bed. 

I rolled over onto the left side of the bed, before Jake laid onto the right side. We both moved on our sides so we could look at each other. I can't really express how much I love Jake's smile, the way it's so genuine makes me get all flustered. 

Third Person Pov:
As Jake laid across from Y/n, he couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion and uncertainty. They had been spending a lot of time together lately, going on dates and talking for hours on end, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what their relationship was. Were they just friends? More than friends? He didn't know. And as he gazed into Y/n's eyes, he could see the same thoughts swirling in her mind. 

They had both been tiptoeing around the topic, avoiding the inevitable conversation about where they stood with each other. But now, as they sat in silence, Jake could no longer ignore the elephant in the room. He took a deep breath, trying to gather the courage to speak up. 'So, uh, I was wondering...what exactly are we?' he finally managed to blurt out. Y/n's expression softened as she looked at him, clearly understanding his confusion. 'I don't know,' she replied honestly. "But, I think friends with benefits is what we are. I mean it seems like we are only around each other when we need a person to hang out around or be intimate with." 

Jake couldn't believe what he was hearing. As he laid across from Y/n, the words 'friends with benefits' echoed in his mind. A lump formed in his throat as he tried to process her words. They had been casually seeing each other for a few months now, but he had always hoped for something more. He thought their chemistry was undeniable and that there was a real connection between them. But now, hearing Y/n say those words, it felt like a punch to the gut. He couldn't help but wonder if he had been reading the situation wrong this whole time. Maybe she never saw him as anything more than a casual fling. Jake couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment and hurt wash over him.

 However, he didn't want to show it. He didn't want to give Y/n the satisfaction of knowing that her words had affected him. So, he plastered on a smile and acted nonchalant, even though inside, he was struggling to keep his composure. Y/n, on the other hand, could sense the change in Jake's demeanor. She knew that he had feelings for her, and she couldn't deny that she felt something too. But she wasn't ready to admit it, not yet. She didn't want to complicate things between them. She was content with the arrangement they had, and she didn't want to risk losing Jake by confessing her true feelings.

 So, she remained silent, hoping that Jake would drop the subject and they could just continue on as they were. However, deep down, she couldn't help but wonder if she was making a mistake by not speaking up. Maybe Jake was the one for her, and she was just too scared to admit it. But for now, she pushed those thoughts aside and focused on keeping their relationship purely physical. Little did she know, Jake was struggling with the same internal battle. Both of them were afraid to take the next step, but neither of them wanted to lose what they had. And so, they remained in this limbo, both secretly wishing for something more but too afraid to act on it.

Jake's Pov:
I laid on my back as I stared at the ceiling, while Y/n was on her phone, but she immediately gasped. I sat up quickly before looking down at her. 

"What happened?" I looked around trying to figure out what made her jump, but she sat up and showed me her phone. My eyes scanned the text from Johnnie and I couldn't help but smile widely. 
"You're moving back in? When did you decide that?" 
"Well, Johnnie and I have been talking about it for a few weeks, but now it's official. Oh, and Tara knew way before anyone you do" Y/n smiles before texting Johnnie back.
I laid back down before thinking to myself that I can't let Y/n just think I'm a fling to her or she's a fling to me. She WAY more than that...

Word Count: 1409

Author's Note: I just want to thank the people who gave me the ideas for the upcoming chapters! It means so much to me and I'm going to split that idea into a few chapters so don't worry^^ There's also another thing I would like to bring up is that some people have been messaging me asking to a write a smut chapter. I really have mixed feelings about it, but I just want to ask what YOU guys think about it and if it should be made or not. Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one is in the works! <333

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