Chapter One: Present day.

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I'm happier now, so happy that I do not notice Rory perching from my food, mac and cheese lunch yes I'm a foodie. I have an apartment to myself, a car and a best friend to add to the pack.

I'm Laurie Adams, 21 years of age, I work at a law firm called The Talas I'm currently a junior partner so I earn big! I live alone even though I like 5 blocks away from my parents home so I practically live with my big sister Marie and my younger sister Sophie.

We're only 3 and we are inseparable. We stay together all day and they go home at night. I was promoted just last week because I settled a huge deal with this rich guy and I earned myself a lot of points for myself. I have this cute boyfriend, Bill, who has his own construction company, Mallory company, you guessed right, he built my house. We've been dating for like 2 years and it's been heaven on earth. I won't say he's prince charming but he tries as he has his major faults.

As we were sitting in my apartment with Rory eating and I, typing to Bill and obviously glowing we hear a knock, I answer it and it was my sister Marie. She's wearing a pink dress with little flowers and her killer hills.

'Hey sissy, you look lovely, and by lovely I mean HAWT' she smirks and says 'You infected me baby. I need food and Laurie I mean your food it looks yummy'

'Dig in I'm kinda owkay but I'll need 5 more bites'

She sits on the chair beside Rory and they start talking about her shoes...typical. I go back to typing to Bill and he says we're going out for dinner later even though I know that since it's our usual Saturday tradition.

We decided on this because throughout the week we're occupied in work and we need time to catch up.

At around 7 I decide to take a shower and I sit in front of my wardrobe to decide what to wear. I finally decide on a black dress with a low back and a bit too tight, with beige shoes and a beige with bits of black purse. I let my hair down and wear a red lipstick and make my eyes just a bit bold. Right on time Bill rings my bell at exactly 8. As usual he's in his black suit perfect! 

'Hey babe you look good' I say and he stands back ' No words to describe you' I shrug and we go downstairs and out the door.

We sit in his car and start moving.

'I was totally beat yesterday I had a long day with this indecisive woman saying she wants a mansion but her space is so tiny I don't know where she wants me to fit her imagination in it' he frowns

'Chill dude you can do it, you fit mine in the space I gave you and I'm sure hers is bigger'

'Well he's but she's getting on my last nerve already, eventhough she'll give me a big cheque'

We arrive at the first place we met, a place I once worked as a waitress, Seven. We go to a table near a window and settle. Sebastian walks our way and places the menu on our table but before he leaves Bill makes the order. The same thing he ordered on the first day we met and I blushed.

'Why so sweet? You're normally not like this'

'Well you deserve it baby'

'So how about your friend I told you about, have you spoken to him about having us as his legal assistants?'

'Well we were supposed to have lunch with him but he cancelled on me so I guess Monday'

'Thank you but I just wanted to check if you did because I already spoke to him yesterday and he agreed'

'Ahh so you're the reason why he cancelled then?'

'Guilty as charged'

Our order is here and we munch down. When we're done he starts his look, the look that says I have something to tell you...I know him that well.


'What? I'm just looking at you'

'I know you want to say something so spill'

'Promise me you will not overreact'

'Yea yea I promise'

'Here it goes, I love you so much and you know that and I can't live without you, we've been through a lot and I'm sure you know that already. You've seen me through my hard times and the good times so I guess you deserve more than what I'm giving. I just have to tell you this because I've hidden it for a long time' he comes down to his knees in front of me and I see tears coming down his face

'I am so sorry but I have to tell you that I have a wife and a kid. They're moving in with me tomorrow and she says I have to let you go because we want to make things work between us'

I break down. The world stops, I start shaking and the only reflex I got was to slap him and stand up. I left and as soon as I got outside I remove my shoes and start running. I got to my parents house and I see they asleep I run upstairs to my mother's room and I find her reading.

'Laurie what's happening? Why are you here so late?' she sees me crying and drags me to her bed, she tucks me in and I just cry. I cry till I couldn't cry no more.

I wake up to the smell of my favorite perfume, my mother's scent, she has finished taking her bath and was about to go downstairs. I follow her and she gives me a cup of tea.

'Are you ready to talk darling?'

'He hurt me, he has a wife and a kid' I was half shouting half not in the mood

'Bill is a father and I have been his mistress without me knowing'

'Oh my God Laurie I'm so sorry' Sophie comes in 'What's wrong Laurie, I hardly see you without make up these days'

I tell her and she sits beside me, Marie comes in

'Omg I went on the worst date yesterday, he had zits everywhere and guess what? I paid, on the first day'

'Bill has a wife' Sophie says

'I officially lack importance, that son of a....'

'Language Marie language ' my mother says before she can complete it.

'I'm so sorry sissy but this is not what you're going to do, cheer up because today we're going out! I'm taking you away for the whole day, Soph you coming?'


'Ma you?'

'Definitely '

'And I'm going to invite Rory and we'll have a fun day without thinking of that annoying....'

'Marie!! Stop using foul language'

After having the nicest breakfast ever we head out and did a quick stop at my place so I could freshen up and we go to pick Rory so as to have this fun day. I'm not sure what we're going to do but I'm excited.

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