Chapter 3 : A scary situation.

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•Raphs POV•

After me and Donnie had our fight I got angry and knocked over one of his filing cabinet. I didn't mean to it just get lost in my anger.
I left and went to my room. I slammed the door and locked it. Even though I know what I did to Mikey and I knew it was my fault, a voice in my mind is still telling me that it was Mikey's fault and not mine.

"Stupid Donnie, stupid Leo.. Mikey. Man this sucks. I don't know what to do Spike.
It's not like I meant to.. hurt Mikey. But what he did was still bad. Was I in the right for hurting him?" I questioned myself.

I sighed. I just wanted Spike to be safe, and I was just so mad that Mikey keeps taking my stuff, that when he took Spike.. I dunno I just lost it.
I sat on the floor next to my bed and dug my head into my knees.
I silently cried. I hate crying, it makes me feel weak but there was just too much going on I just didn't know what else to do.


•Donnie's POV•

The nerve of Raph is just unbelievable. After I called him out on his crap, he knocked over my very important cabinet full of failed experiments. Some of that could have been explosive!
But that's besides the point. It just boils my mind that Raph thought he could blame Mikey for his own awful mistake and getting away with it.
I went over and picked up my cabinet. And I checked up on all the machinery. Everything was fine, luckily.
I then left the lab. Leo said I needed rest because Mikey needed all of my brain power, and he was right. I do need sleep. And plus, he promised to look over Mikey and he's the only one I trust to right now.
I walked to my room and I silently shut my door.

"What a day.." I said as I laid on my bed.

I tried to sleep but I just couldn't, it just couldn't stop thinking about Mike.
I got up and went into Mikey's room. I carefully walked around the trash on the floor and laid on his bed. And somehow I just felt warmer, and more at peace. It was like his presence was with me.
I feel asleep.


•Leo's POV•

Donnie left the room after an argument with Raph. And he left me in charge of Mikey. So after Don left I pulled up a chair and sat there holding his cold hand.

"Mikey, if you can hear me, I'm sorry that this happened to you. I should've been a better leader.. a better brother too." I said.

After that I don't know what came over me but I just fell asleep. I guess the whole Mikey getting stabbed situation tired both me and Don.

I can't believe I fell asleep.

I woke up to a moderately loud beeping.
It was Mikey's heart monitor, it was lowering.

"Oh shell.."
"DONNIE!" I yelled as I ran out of the lab.

I saw Don shoot out of Mikey's room and he came up to me. He was about to ask me what was happening but there wasn't any time for that. I grabbed his hand, and dragged him to Mikey.
He stood there for a second but then started muttering.

"Shell.. oh shell.." Donnie said under his breath.

He told me to grab all these equipment and he made me get out of the lab.
My body felt limp and tense at the same time. I didn't know what was going to happen. And obviously Donnie didn't know either.

I just hope Donnie can help him..

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