Subject He Tutors You In

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B r u c e   B a n n e r 

Science: He'll go rambling on and on about the periodic table and elements and how everything in the universe complements each other, and even though sometimes you didn't understand the gibberish he was writing on his whiteboard, you thought it was cute how he got so excited about these things.

C l i n t   B a r t o n 

Math: He couldn't train you for your dance class (Nat had claimed that job), so he helped with math, making up problems as if you have to think like a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.  This motivated you and you ended up learning and understanding more than what you did in a normal class period.

S t e v e   R o g e r s 

History: Although he couldn't teach you much after World War II, up until then he would explain in detail everything and go over it once more to make sure you understood.  He even went over the specific parts of the Constitution, making sure you knew all your rights so no one could harm you.

T h o r   O d i n s o n 

Geography:  Since Norse wasn't offered in your school, he would tutor in this area, learning the information before you did and explaining it so it related to either what you both knew about America or Asgard.  He was an excellent teacher, going slow to make sure you got the sense of the material.  After, he would have you explain it to him.  That was, you both learned better, you about the country you were working on and, for him, America and you.

T o n y   S t a r k 

Physics and Technology: It was all about how they were interconnected.  Really, he was helping you to not only appreciate his Stark technology even more so, but preparing you for a suit of your own, which he had built to surprise you.  So he made sure you knew every detail front and back to make sure you wouldn't get hurt when flying around.

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