015 - Travelling Time

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If you close your eyes and think,
You could understand how mere humans like us are,
Travelling time.

It is a simple concept, but think,
Every single day has 86400 seconds,
Every day has 24 hours,

Every year has 31536000 seconds,
Every single year has either 365 or 366 days,
Every year also has 12 months,
Every month has 28-31 days.
Overtime, we are travelling into the future.

If you think about watching old movies,
This could be the closest we get to going back in time,
Or even visiting the museum, seeing everything...
What if one day, we could see that stuff in action?
One day, maybe someday.
One day, maybe someday, we will all be preserved in time.

What if all human existence could go back in time?
Humans can only handle so much, so having that escape,
Well it sounds like a heaven, the silver city itself.
To turn back time to the good old days, per say.
I wish I could travel in time sometimes,
So much would be different, but that would be dangerous.

I would get to see people I miss
Keira, My grandpa, Cozzy, my sister.

I would be happy again,
I wouldn't just be way less sad,
I would be me.

I wouldn't be so alone.
I would... finally... be... happy...

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