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Summary: Phoenix regrets her past actions and Robin comforts her about it. And they share their first kiss.

Genre: angst and fluff
Ship: Phobin
Timeline: after the dark forces events
Requested: by one one.


It was a simple night At least, for the others. Blake, Dawn and Misty were playing video games. And as for Ash and Brook were doing something else but we don't talk about that. For Phoenix however, it was a night full of guilt. Despite the stars shinning from above. And the wind being gentle.

She was isolating herself in a rooftop of the house that the gang shared, drinking wine and Robin being a worried girlfriend came to check up on her, it was rather chilly but did it matter? Not really.

Phoenix was contemplating about how much of an asshole she was before, even though she didn't mean it, she ended up hurting everyone, innocent people, people who pissed her off, Brook and Ash were one of them. She felt guilty of her own actions, would her brother be even proud of her for "staying strong" as Robin says?  God that girl, she was unexpected. She had the key to her ever since she layed her eyes on her. She loved her, but sometimes she would resent about how she was the reason that made her realize her actions. She should've realized it on her own right? But, that wasn't the case.

She felt a hand gently caressing her shoulder, snapping her thoughts out of her mind. "Hey, are you okay?" Robin asked, her voice so gently, a look of worry on her face. Phoenix slightly startled turned almost dropping her wine. This caused a little giggle from the ice holder. "Sorry- didn't mean to startle you love." She says as she sat down with her. Phoenix sighed quietly before putting the wine of glasse down. "It's alright. No need to apologize." She says looking at Robin. Robin smiled softly before her face turning into worry again. "Are you okay? You've been gone for a while, I was getting worried. You weren't in you room, so I figured you'd be on the rooftop." The Japanese replied.

"Well, stars are quite beautiful." The fire holder replied looking up.


After a moment of silence, she spoke up. Scratching her arm a bit.

"But yeah, I'm okay." She replied lying about her guilt. Robin frowned at that. Visibly not believing her. "You're a terrible liar." She said squeezing Phoenix's hand. "Just like how Arthur used to say.." she murmured, however the white haired girl heard her. "Are you thinking about him?" She asked her voice gentle that always comforted Phoenix.

Phoenix nodded before speaking up. "Yeah, but... there's, something else... that's bothering me." She said hesitantly yet, she knew lying wasn't worth it. "I'm here, Phoenix." Robin whispered interlocking their hands together. Phoenix gulped a little before she decided to finally say things that has been bothering her for months.

"It's for a certain that he is not proud of what I've been doing for years ever since his death, I hurt everyone Robin, Ash and especially Brook were heavily impacted by it. Yet, I was doing it out of outbursts, to make myself feel better. A thing I shouldn't have done." She said looking down not wanting to make eye contact with Robin.

The latter remained silent, hearing her the fire holder's confession to her guilt. "The only thing that made me realize what I was doing wrong was you. And the others. When it was a thing that I should've picked it up on my own. I've made a promise to myself when I was younger that I wanted to be kind. I turned out to be the opposite." She said trying her hardest not to cry. Robin saw it and pulled Phoenix into a embrace.

After a minute of silence, Robin spoke up. "But if i hadn't stood up against you, you'll still be the same as you were before Phoenix. Sometimes, you need help from others. And you were in a toxic environment with your old friends. That didn't make it any better." She replied running her fingers through Phoenix's hair, she knew that soothed her alot, and to be able to bring comfort to the enemy she fell in love with, meant the world to her.

"That still doesn't mat-"

"It does." Robin cut her off immediately.

"What made you a better person is realizing that was wrong, when you could've completey ignored it. You're not the monster that you think you are, you were hurt. And as much as that wasn't okay, you were looking for a way to cope with it." Robin replied caressing her shoulders.

"And besides, I knew that deep down you were a good person. You did not hesitate to save us, even when you could've ran away, even when you could've let us to die. even though I did hated you for your cocky and almost careless behavior, I still in the end loved you didn't I?" She asked pulling Phoenix's chin up. Phoenix was crying and hugged Robin tighter. The pale girl wiped away some of tears that stained her cheek before resting her head on top of hers.

"I guess you did..." Phoenix finally replied after a few minutes of staying in eachothers arms and waiting for Phoenix to calm down her falling tears. She got up and wiped away her tears. She looked at Robin's shirt who's shoulder was stained with her tears. "Ah, my apologies." She says chuckling a bit. Robin giggled looking down. "I ain't complaining." She replied looking at Phoenix.

Robin smiled cupping her cheeks with her right hand, wipping away the tears that the black haired girl that she missed.

She smiled a bit before interlocking their hands together. Phoenix heart fluttering a bit as she looked down her Iips. Robin noticing it leaned In closer a bit. Their eyes looking at eachother before down to her lips. They were both nervous for this, but they've longed the moment to do it. It was now or never. Both their hearts were beating fast, but it was now or never.

The fire holder leaned closer and slowly as well before stopping, letting Robin pull away if she wanted to. Robin spotted closer, her thumb caressing her lover's fingers. Phoenix did the same thing to Robin's fingers.

"I love you. Always remember that." Robin said finally making their lips in contact. Both felt a electrical feeling between them. Their hands who was still holding together began to make light as fire and ice made in contact. Not daring to pull away they deepened the kiss. Before they remembered they needed to breath. Both of the girls pulled away, Their foreheads touching eachother as they were panting a bit. Robin could recall the taste of wine on her fiery woman's lips. Meanwhile for Phoenix, she thought Robin's lips tasted like strawberries and chocolate.


Robin smiled softly and Phoenix returning the smile before pressing her lips on her top of Robin's nose.

"Your lips tastes like wine by the way."
"I hope so, I was drinking wine. I think i'd be worried if my lips tasted something else."
"Can I have some?"
"My lips or the drink?"
"Well, both options works."

Both the girls giggled before pulling eachother into a another kiss. A passionate one. On the rooftop of a starly night.

It's short yeah but who cares? I had a little scenario for their first kiss and this is how this chapter came to birth 👍

Brash one-shot is next then friendship ones!!

Stayed tunned

Have a great night/morning/evening!

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