Pepper Spray

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Grape flinched back as you dabbed his bruised and bloodied injury on his cheek with disinfectant alcohol and a cotton ball.

"Ow!" he yelped.

"I know it hurts, but you don't want it to be infected." You respond to his pain.

"It was Wolf again, right?" You ask, applying more pressure to the wound.

"No, it was the principal," Grape said sarcastically.

"Oh, really? Why?" You ask without catching the sarcasm.

"Of course not! It was a Wolf!" Grape yelled.

"Look, Sam, if you're going to give me attitude, I'll have to bring Wolf over here," You threaten with a fake smile.

"Like you would stand a chance," Grape scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask, appearing offended.

"He would beat you up before you even got close," Grape laughed sadly.

"Wanna bet?" You ask, raising your brow with a devious smile.

"Why would I humor an unrealistic idea?" Grape rolled his eyes.

"Fine, for this unrealistic scenario, if I beat a Wolf and take a picture of him on the ground, you owe me lunch for a year," You propose.

"If you did that, I would buy you lunch for the rest of your life," Grape laughed.

"Don't forget this." You smile, pushing yourself off the desk.

Grape widened his eyes.

"No, Y/n! This was an imaginative scenario!" Grape yelled out. He knew you could get a little carried away, but he trusted your self-control enough to not fight Wolf Keum.

He should not have trusted your non-existent self control.

You happily made your way to Wolf's classroom. You knew where it was because you got access to his schedule to send to Grape, so he knew where not to go.

Reverse stalking, if you will.

You found his classroom and walked up to his table, standing right in front of it.

'Hello" You smile nicely.

Wolf was staring at you while you made direct eye contact.


"Watch your eyes." Wolf said coldly.

Everyone else in the room froze; they didn't know who you were, but they knew it would not end well for you.

'3-second rule. Right? I guess I broke it. Meet me on the roof. It's only fair; it doesn't matter my gender, right?' You ask, eyes shining.

Wolf was taken aback; he didn't expect a direct approach from anyone, especially a girl he didn't know.

You heard murmurs—people trying to encourage others to help you.

"HAHAHAHA!" Wolf laughed maniacally.

You smiled at him, not phased by his laughter.

I knew this fucker was crazy.

"I don't usually fight girls, but if you are so sure of yourself, let's try it." Wolf smiled, standing up.

"Can I use any method to win?" You asked, trying to appear as defenseless as possible.

"I don't care," Wolf said, not having much faith in this fight.

"Don't forget this." You laughed.

You and Wolf began walking side by side to get to the rooftop.

Wolf smiled as well, wondering if this was going to be a worthwhile fight.

Pepper SprayWhere stories live. Discover now